Bit worried blackburn got big out break covid . Will hospital be safe I got to go thurs to see eye doctor. Thanks
Bit worried blackburn got massive out break - Macular Society
Bit worried blackburn got massive out break
Each time I have been to hospital eye clinic it has been very safe with masks handed out, staff wearing PPE and plenty of sanitising gel. Chairs are also well spaced out
Absolutely. Just ensure you wash or gel your hands on arrival, when leaving, and when you get home. Wear a face covering travelling to and from the hospital but they will probably give you one when you're there - I wear my own going and they say " we don't want to get iodine on yours" so I wear theirs for the actual inj and going home.
OK thanks so much for your help
I'm sure if there is any problem that the hospital will contact you but if your hospital is the same as the one I go to, they will have safety procedures in place so there will be no need to worry.
When I went for injection last week, all safety measures were in place, temperature taken and mask given on arrival, people well apart in waiting area, all very well done.
Can understand your concern but hospitals have a lot of safety measures in place and have this well covered as others have said. Nowhere is 100% safe of course but if you wash your hands regularly, keep your distance and everyone is required to cover their faces your chances of catching anything really become minimal. The importance of your treatment at that point far outweighs any risk of catching Covid, even in a town with increased cases. I’ve had 2 friends who have had recent urgent hospital stays and multiple out patient visits with no issues at all, they felt reassuringly safe. Good luck and take care
There is very strict protocol that all hospitals must follow. Do take a mask mine does mine only give out one if you done have your own.
I had an outpatient appointment during May, and I was the only person to be wearing a face mask! Doctor's were wearing their ordinary day clothes, and nurses had on uniforms, but no face masks or gloves. I felt completely out of place. One small grace, was that he did sit two metres apart from me during my consultation. Very weird experience though. I am sure that you will be treated differently, as you are visiting an eye clinic. You will be safe now that better measures are in place.
As long as you adhere to usual safety measures you should be fine.
Hospital and clinics are good at keeping everyone safe.
I’ve just returned from the eye clinic and sanitizer and masks and social
Distancing all in place and clean and safe.
try not to worry follow all advice others have given and remember it's less than 100 out of 100,000 people whereas a short time ago we thought numbers were good when the were some cases in 1400! chances of catching are very low if you allow advice re masks and hand washing
Thank you
Dear Waddington,
On the Advice and Information Service line we have had positive feedback from callers regarding the protective measures that eye clinics in general are implementing to try and minimise risk.
I have copied a link to our website. This references guidelines to eye clinics from the Royal College of Ophthalmologists:
I hope that this is of help.
Kind regards,
Advice and Information Service
0300 3030 111