I have been diagnosed with high myopic degeneration. I've worn glasses since kindergarten (age 5). I don't ever remember having central vision in my right eye. I'm now 43 and the vision in my left eye is getting worse. I had a vein leak in 2004 which resulted in laser treatment. I was left with scaring that has affected my vision (a small blind spot). Over the past few months my vision has been steadily declining. I have research support groups but can't find any.
High Myopic Degeneration or Myopic Maculop... - Macular Society
High Myopic Degeneration or Myopic Maculopathy

This is the right place, we have lots of different eye conditions and there will be people here with same condition ( I think it's macular degeneration caused by the high myopia).
Also, check out the macular society website. Lots of help there and a great helpline.
Have you been back to doc since sight getting worse? You may need more treatment. Don't delay.
Sending you a hug and wishing you all the best going forwards X

Thank you for your response. I go back to Wilmer Eye Institute, in January. I was advised that if I notice any change in vision between appointments to come in immediately.

Dear Chinyelle,
Please contact us to establish the location of your nearest support group and in order to discuss any other concerns.
The Macular Society Advice and Information service is open 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday on 0300 3030 111.
Kind regards,
I'm in the United States. I've tried to find support groups here in Maryland but haven't had any luck.
What is your eye prescription?
Hello Chinyelle
I am same as you but 63 years old. I had my first severe bleed just this May. Had no clue what was going on. It came on suddenly in my right eye and everything with lines (like door frames, molding,etc) were breaking. The most bizarre experience ever.
I have an HMO in the US and it took a few days to get me to an opthamologist but they found the same. I am highly myopic (-8.5) and my right eye has lacquer cracks that caused a blood vessel to break through.
I was having blurry vision for about a month before things went haywire and was getting ready to have it checked out.
I was given an Avastin shot and within 2-3 days it had mostly cleared up. I still have slight distortion with lines but nothing I can’t live with. That drug is a miracle!!
I went back to doctor monthly for 4 months to make certain the bleeding had not reoccurred and it hasn’t. I go back in January so I’m on a 4 month check at this point.
We had an Italy vacation planned for Sept/Oct and I was paranoid about going but before we left found optha doctors in each location. Italy does use Avastin.
Most days I don’t even think about it but know that if you do need a shot to stop the bleeding it does work. And it didn’t hurt me at all.
Feel free to ask me any questions. I can just tell you about my experience which completely came out of the blue overnight.
One last thing. Avastin only became available in US in 2006. Before that they did use the laser. The shots are simple and have a much better outcome.
Thank you. It's been a difficult to find people with the similar eye condition that I have. I'll ask my ophthalmologist about the Avastin injection at my next appointment.