Routine check-up: Hi all my dear friends Had... - Macular Society

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Routine check-up

40 Replies

Hi all my dear friends

Had my last eylea injection beginning of February. AMD leakage dried up since then. I am supposed to go for a routine check-up and scan on the 23rd this month. Wasn't sure if it was even worth bothering with under my particular circumstances. I think I will go anyway.

Just to update you on my other issue. Had an exploratory laparoscopy done on Thursday. It seems the C is confined to my stomach. Surgeon confident to go ahead with total removal of stomach - my only chance of possible cure if I survive the ordeal. Will have to decide how I wish to proceed within the next 2 weeks. I suppose it's all or nothing.

Hope you are all coping with your eye issues and doing well. xxx

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40 Replies

Good to hear from you ayayay x

I'd say go to the eye appt. When you've recovered from the stomach op it would be a pig to find your eye had started leaking again and you'd missed a chance to treat it earlier. Look to the future, plan for life, enjoy each moment along the way - those poor souls on the bus in Madeira were expecting to go home but we have outlived them despite what circumstances may have led us to believe the future holds.

Sending love and hugs xxx

in reply to

Thanks eyesright. Hope you have a lovely Easter Hol. I am lapping up the wonderful sunshine. xxx

Bobbie915 profile image
Bobbie915 in reply to

Very wise words Eyesright. I hadn't heard about the bus crash in Maderia so just looked it up. How tragic. x x

in reply to Bobbie915

I'm off there in a few weeks, it's a lovely island but has some steep cliff roads. They don't have many accidents though, its just such a terrible thing to have happened.

Bobbie915 profile image

Hi Ayayay, Thanks for the update. If they say your cancer hasn't spread and is operable, that sounds encouraging. I imagine that only being able to eat small amounts after the op, would not be a problem for you. Good luck and please let us know what you decide. x x

in reply to Bobbie915

Thank you, Bobbie xxx

Tetrazzini profile image

I was monitored every month - now it's every two months so you would be well advised to go.

My sister had the same stomach problem as you and lived to 85 so I hope and pray you have a similar result.

Obviously you will have a lot to go through and I wish you the best of everything.

in reply to Tetrazzini

Thank you so much. Having seen what your sister went through, at least you know where I am coming from. Yes, I will plod on the best way I can as long as I can and listen to the advise of my C team.

IvyRose2 profile image

Good luck for your operation and hoping you make a good recovery. Please continue to get your eye checked, it is so worthwhile.

in reply to IvyRose2

Thank you, IvyRose. All replies are much appreciated. They help me to feel less alone and isolated. xx

MikeG1944 profile image

Yes do go for your eye appointment ayayay; you never know when wet AMD can rear it's ugly head again.

And all the best with your stomach op; we need you here to give your always good advice.


in reply to MikeG1944

Thank you, Mike. Yes, I will go for the scan.

I am glad I was able to help others with their worries. Now it is my turn to ask for just a few kind words to help me.

Hi ayayay,

I am so pleased that you have written to us, because without you, this forum would be missing an important person. I remember when you gave me so much encouragement last year, at a point when I felt totally desolate. I want you to know, that your words of encouragement helped me to climb back up again. I only hope that my words can in some way reciprocate. I would say, to go and get your eyes checked, after all, to be able to see nature is a wonderful thing. Being able to see the beautiful blossoms around now, and the smaller animals busy with their young. Not to be missed. I know that you are facing a major decision, and it is never easy, especially having to weigh up any of the possible consequences. But you are not only an empathetic person, but a very wise one. I am confident that whatever you decide, it will be the right decision for you. Sending you love and blessings.

in reply to

You are too kind. But it is good to know that I have been able to help you and others in the past. After all all, what kind of world it be if no one cared? Now I am the one who needs support. I am not sure about being wise; i am merely down-to-earth. Things are what they are! Yes, it takes courage to make such vital decision as mine at present when there comes a point of no return. I am sure I will take the surgeon's advise in the end. Meanwhile I will try to live as normal as possible although the emotions are up and down like a yoyo.

Bless you and thank you again. xx

Mrdg profile image

My thoughts are with you ayayay. Definitely go for your checkup.

in reply to Mrdg

Thank you. Will do.

Patjo profile image

So good to hear from you again ayayay, and with some more encouraging news too. Whatever you decide, please know that we all love you and will be rooting for you. God bless you xx

in reply to Patjo

Thank you Patjo. Amazing how just a few kind words bring tears to my eyes. I have not yet wept or gone to pieces. Perhaps I am still numb from the shock or perhaps it is my nature to accept things for what they are. Either way, I am coping. I love you too and all the friends I have got to know on this forum.

Bless you. xx

cormorin profile image

Whatever you decide we will all be here for you. Do get your eye treated as you will come back from your op needing your sight to be as good as possible.

Lots of love & blessings to you.

in reply to cormorin

Thanks cormorin. I appreciate your reply.

springcross profile image

Hi ayayay. So glad to hear about your eye but very sorry about your other condition - sometimes life can be such a bitch. All the very best to you and I am very sure you will make the right decision and I, for one, will certainly be thinking of you. xx

2468G profile image

Dear ayayay

What a massive decision for you. The thought of stomach removal is quite mind blowing to me. Your surgeon must think you can survive it otherwise he/she would not suggest it. They must see what a force of nature you are. Yes you must certainly go for you next eye check because you are going to need your eyesight when you recover from this operation.

We need you on this forum. You have helped so many of us with your kindness and wisdom and there will be many future people that your advice will help too.

Keep fighting ayayay. All my love and best wishes, as ever. Xxxxx

in reply to 2468G

Thank you so much. I am soaking up all the praises and good wishes like a sponge in the hope that it will give me courage, strength and willpower. Pathetic, isn't it when I have never been short of those traits!

Eat, eat, eat, I have been told to bring up my weight as much as possible. Eat whatever you fancy, so they say. An invitation some people may cherish, but I have to force myself, go by the clock as I do not seem to feel hungry.

Still, it is what it is and I will certainly fight as best as I can.

Thank you again and best wishes to you and all my friends on this forum. xxx

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Sherry is an appetite stimulant ( I used to work in a hospital pharmacy where we'd decant it for the wards). Ah the good old days!

in reply to

Thanks, eyesright. What a nice Idea. At least I will die merry lol. Seriously, I do not intend to pop off just yet if I can help it.

in reply to

I think you will come through the surgery just fine. A friend had a different cancer with mets but had a hysterectomy, gall bladder removal, one kidney, bit of liver, most of her bowel & intestine and part of the internal lining of the abdomen removed in one op. She had a stoma afterwards of course but was walking around in days feeling fine.

pinkperfection profile image

Yes you must go and I wish you all the luck in the world for your op. At least there is some hope try to be positive, I am routing for you.

A colleague if mine had the same condition and op around 35yrs ago. You would never know unless told..

He worked beyond normal retirement age, is still hale and hearty, leads hard walks for the Ramblers Association and drinks far more than I can!

As I understand it, in the right circumstances the upper colon can serve almost as effectively as the stomach.

in reply to

Thank you Rennatk.

Yes, of course people can survive without stomach. Your colleague is a good example of it. I have also been in touch with others who have survived for 10 and 25 years. But don't forget, your colleague, would have been a fairly young man at the time of the op. Myself, at 82, I have no longer quite the physical strength, although the surgeon deems me fit enough to go ahead with it. He told that it was not so much the age of a person than the general health. This is where my doubts sometimes creep in. I suppose I will take the plunge anyway before the C has a chance to spread, despite the ordeal ahead of me; any other option is even less promising. Again, thank you.

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In fact, just to add to the positives, a second colleague had the same condition and he too is still firing on all cylinders. I appreciate your concerns about age, I am not far behind you! But techniques nowadays are also much better and in your favour. 😀

Jmcfly profile image

Dear Ayayay,

You have helped and encouraged so many of us and given so much sensible and wise advice. I am one of the many you have helped .I hope you will go for your eye appointment and I wish you the very best for your stomach operation.

Sending you my very best wishes and a big hug.

Please keep in touch

in reply to Jmcfly

Thank you so much.

Beldie profile image

We are all thinking of you and what you're going through. I've read all your posts and advice you've given and, though I'm not much good at making a coherent response, just know how much you are valued and are needed. So, go for the op, go for the injection - then come back, renewed. xx

in reply to Beldie

Thank you Beldie. Yes, I intend to come back one day when all this is over. I would miss you all too much. xx

Ceri2 profile image

Hi Ayayay, I love the fact that your surgeon says you are strong enough for the op, that must be a chink of good news at a very difficult time. Glad you sound as though you are going for the injection appointment too. Take care, we will all be rooting for you 🌷

in reply to Ceri2

Thanks Ceri2

It's just a routine check-up/scan. Not an injection. It's amazing how insignificant that seems to me now, though I know it is important. xx

Ceri2 profile image

Agreed. But I think that you always have had a healthy dose of perspective even before this! Thinking of previous posts (particularly walk related) , I don’t think you have ever let the eye condition limit what you do. Take care 💐

Annsandra13 profile image

Hi dear ayayay,

You have so many friends all routing for you, you have given us all hope at times and sound advice.

So our dear friend go forth with courage and faith and let all hope for the best possible outcome.

Must be so frightening but keep fighting.

Sending you all the love and healing there is the world.

Love Ann x

in reply to Annsandra13

Thank you so much, Ann. I don't know that I am all that frightened. I am not sure exactly what I feel. Perhaps still numb. Whenever I have gone through hard times - and there have been a few in my life - I have looked upon them as an adventure. This is just one more. One more big mountain to climb. xx

rosyG profile image

Only just seen this post Ayayay. Great to hear it hasn't spread.I do hope the operation goes very well. Please let us know what happens. Will say a prayer for you xx

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