Sometimes there is good news too. - Macular Society

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Sometimes there is good news too.

14 Replies

After my latest scan last week I am having a reprieve again from injections. Hurray!! How long it will last remains to be seen, but I feel very lucky that my AMD has become inactive again.

May I just say that I have not taken supplements, nor changed my diet or lifestyle in any way, though I am a very active octogenarian, still walking up to 10 miles across rugged countryside. I do not mean to scoff at all of you who believe in such changes; you are more likely to scoff at me. All I want to say is, I believe that we have very little control over how things pan out for us. We are all different and our conditions are different. What works for one does not necessarily work for another person We must all do what we think is right for us.

My best wishes to you all.

14 Replies
RandyM profile image

I am so happy for you ayayay! You are so right about others getting different results. i sometimes feel it has to do with genetics, not food, supplements, or exercise. I feel continuing to have hope and keeping a positive attitude is the most important thing. I think mind over body is also an important factor in healing. In the meantime, I will continue to take supplements, eat more nutritiously, follow research, and listen to my doctor's advice. Here's hoping you will continue to enjoy your reprieve from injections. : )

Great news ayayay long may it continue xxx I think you're right that there are things we can do nothing about. A positive attitude and less stress has to be good regardless of what conditions we have x I find just being in the outdoors lifts my spirits. Am currently camping in glorious weather and about to pick up a good book lol.

in reply to

Good for you, eyesright.

Bobbie915 profile image

That sounds good ayayay. x x x

davidcyule profile image

You make some interesting points, including the advantages of exercise. The taking of supplements interests me. I take them on the grounds that £30 per month is an investment I am willing to make - but their efficacy is suspect.

Also an octoinarian in remission.


in reply to davidcyule

Thank you David. Apart from being told to eat lots of Broccoli, I have never been advised by my ophthalmologist to take supplements although the booklet I was given states that they "may" help. There probably is no harm in them either, and if we are made to believe that we are doing something to help ourselves, then that may well be a positive. The jury is still out whether diet and supplements help or not. We have all heard of the placebo effect.

By the way, too much greens are not kind to another health problem I have, and I would have to take medication to counteract the effect. At present I do not take any medicines whatsoever apart from the eylea injections "as and when" and the occasional painkiller. I'll try to keep it that way. But as I said, we all must do what we feel is right for us.

All the best

Emelinep profile image

What an uplifting encouraging post ayayay thank you so much. I do find myself slipping into what I call ‘old lady mode’ from time to time, then I go to my exercise class, play a game of bowls or simply take a long walk and I am fine again. Keeping active is key plus one day at a time xx

in reply to Emelinep

Thank you Emelinep for your reply. It is all too easy to slip into the "old lady mode" as you call it. I know the feeling! And then depression sets in. But you, as myself, have the right idea to get yourself out of the rut by pursuing various activities. Well done! Keep it up. There is nothing we can do about getting older, but we don't have to give in without a fight.

Best wishes

arwmd profile image

That is great news, congratulations for as long as it lasts!!

StokeySue profile image

Staying fit generally is good for all organs including the eye, as far as I can tell!

Re: supplements. I don't think there's clear evidence but I decided for myself to take a 10:10:2 supplement. There is some evidence that it is good for retinal health and quality general, though no clear evidence that it is any good for MD (unless I've missed it). The CREST study gave the supplements to people with no identified retinal disease, and found a marked improvement in the ability to detect contrast, though the AREDS study with a different formulation looked at the risk of preventing the appearance of AMD or slowing the progress and got a slight benefit. AREDS include zinc in their supplement but I think I get that elsewhere anyway, and I eat a lot of seafood which helps,

10:10:2 is Meso-Zeaxanthin 10 mg; Lutein 10 mg; Zeaxanthin 2 mg, All carotenoids, so yellow orange in colour. Lutein is extracted from marigold petals and the xanthins modified from lutein, usually.. There are a number of brands around, at a surprising number of prices. It's not a licensed product, so buyer beware.

I'm not sure if it helps (no way of knowing). I consider it unlikely to do me any harm, even financially (£60 per year, buying a year's supply at once) except that my dentist thinks it may yellow the teeth a little in susceptible people.

in reply to StokeySue

Thank you for given me so much detail, StokeySue. I know you mean well and I really appreciate that, but as I have already said, each to their own. You see, I have an almost phobic aversion to taking pills; even swallowing the very, very occasional antibiotics, if prescribed, is a nightmare for me and avoid them if at all possible. I feel that a good, mixed diet has served me well and I have never gone of my way to look for health foods, just as I do much walking and playing table tennis for the enjoyment of it rather than health reasons. Maybe it is sheer luck that my wet AMD has remained fairly stable since the onset nearly 2 years ago. Who knows!

Thank you again and my best wishes.

rosyG profile image

excellent news!!

Ayralin profile image

Good news, ayayay! Yesterday, I was also granted a reprieve, from my Lucentis injections. I have only had 2, but eye is responding, no bleeding. However told that it was doubtful I would regain any lost vision and that the distortion I now have is due to thickening- damage from the bleed.

Best health to all, thanks for sharing your experiences. It is good to travel this journey with caring companions.

ColWi profile image

Please do not feel that way. Pain ,suffering and how we all deal with things is so different. Whee one person can seem to sail through things another takes them way harder. Neither is bettor or worse, because they are not you. It's like saying you should not complain some people have no legs. Comment from others or yourself, leave your suffering unvalidated. It is you, it is how you as relling and that is to be validated. It somehow ays you are not alowed to be human, Correct me if I am wrong but it sounds like you think to yourself what do I have to complain about? Loosing your sight in any way is debilitatin and frightening. You need people in your life that you can share your heart and truth with and do not place any sort of judgment on you or sharing how you feel. Including your self. If I don't eat me vegetables like my Mom would remind me ,that there were children who have no food. Which is true but not eating mine will help them have food. How can you be ashamed of what you can't control? Is there a bar you would have to reach when you give yourself permission to share how you are feeling and coping with where you are> Be kind to yourself and this is a great forum to find support and be able to be open and honest about how your experience is effecting you. I am so sorry for all you are going through.

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