Hi. I keep thinking of new things to worry about in this world I have found myself in. I am going abroad 6 days after next injection. Short haul. Could this be a problem? 2468G.
Going abroad?: Hi. I keep thinking of new... - Macular Society
Going abroad?

There was a post on flying recently. I think the answer was ok after 5 days ( that's so you can get to your clinic in the the event of any adverse event within the key post inj time). Mac Soc can confirm if you contact them. Enjoy your hols!

Should be ok then as it will be the 6th day. Hope I don't spend the week away worrying🙁. Thanks for quick response. 2468G
Hi 2468G,
Eyesright is correct, there was a post within the last week.
Flying after an injection should be OK, but you should leave it at least 48 hours after an injection (5 days would be ultra safe).
This is just in case there are any side effects (which fortunately are rare) so you can get back to your eye unit for help and advice.
Best wishes
Macular Society
I checked to see where the nearest eye hospital would be when away recently- that will stop you worrying while you are away
Please do not worry I have been on holiday lots of times very soon after injections, once the next day and had no problems. It’s better now you don’t have antibiotic drops to put in and have to keep them cold. Just relax.
That is really good to hear. I think I need a holiday after a very stressful couple of months and really need to relax. Thanks for your positive message. 😊
Don't worry, you will be fine. Enjoy the holiday.x
Thank you for your kind wishes. I am sure it will do me good. Zero degrees and snow here today so looking forward to getting away. 😊
Also been on holiday and flown within 18hrs of an injection. In fact I never gave it a thought and certainly had no side effects.
The only side effect I ever had in 80 shots was a couple of months ago when the needle caught a blood vessel but the bleed was stopped within a couple of minutes. Although it took about a week for my eye to clear it did not affect me in any way.
That is a lot of shots. You sound like you take it all in your stride. Thanks for letting me no it hasn't been an issue for holidaying at all. Makes me feel more confident. 2468G