What is the difference if any between macushield and macushielc gold
macushield: What is the difference if any... - Macular Society

check the labels of both in Boots- I have macushield because ,from memory, there was Vit E in"gold"which might have increased the effect of the anti-coagulant I have to take for unrelated reason
Gold might be better if you are OK with all contents!
Hello Tessa83,
The basic 'Macushield' contains lutein, zeaxanthin and meso-zeaxanthin.
Macushield gold contains lutein, zeaxanthin, meso-zeaxanthin, vitamins C, and E, copper and zinc. It also contains some Omega3.
Macushield Gold contains the recommended formula of the AREDS2 trial (age related eye disease study number 2).
Please see the following link to our nutrition booklet for more details about the AREDS trials;
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Best wishes
Macular Society
does this help wet and dry AMD, i've had conflicting answers ? confused :/
Hello JJnan,
AREDS vitamin supplements are really aimed at those with intermediate 'dry' macular degeneration (AMD). If someone has had wet AMD and treatment has stabilised the condition then it is thought that the supplements may also be helpful.
Best wishes
Macular Society