Hi I have dry md just have this feeling like there is something in my eye all time anyone else feel like this
Macular : Hi I have dry md just have this... - Macular Society
Dear Suejoyce,
Is there a possibility that you have dry eyes in addition to dry AMD? it would be worth discussing this with your optician.
Please contact us if you would like a copy of our leaflet on dry eyes.
The Macular Society helpline is open 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday on 0300 3030 111.
Alternately, you can contact us via:
Kind regards,
Hello I have dry amd & recently had injections for wet amd. I have often felt that there is something in my eye. One of the Docs at the clinic checked & said there was nothing & that many people feel something is in their eye. So maybe this is just something else that can show up. Be good to see if anyone else out there gets this too?
Hi, I have had two different sensations.
1 like a worm wriggling just under surface of eye . Consultant said no idea why. Haven't had it for ages.
2 like having an eyelash . Consultant said eyes dry (also had a bit of pain up at top of eye with it sometimes). This was solved by drops 4 times a day minimum. I've had Hypromellose and Hylotear which is thicker (better in winter wind I found). I get them both on prescription.
Hello, I have wet md but I get a feeling of something in the eye have told people about it but nothing has been said with regards to the irritation.