Extreme pain whith eye injections!!! - Macular Society

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Extreme pain whith eye injections!!!

Paulinetobytom profile image
24 Replies

Could someone help me! What can I do to really numb my eyes before AMD injections - I am in dread of the next injections as I jump due to the pain - also with certain doctors a lot of the Eylea ends up at the front of my eye, leaving black fly like spots and loss of any vision. Thank you

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Paulinetobytom profile image
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24 Replies
rosyG profile image

I'm not the best person to answer as I only had my first eyela injection two weeks ago- however it didn't hurt at all so I wonder if you have been given enough anaesthetic as it shouldn't really hurt. I would talk to them before the next injection and ask for more drops or a stronger one. Don't jump even if it hurts as you may have problems-

see what others say- some people have had many injections and will advise

yotboy profile image

I can only echo rosyG's reply, but I have the 'benefit' of nearly 30 injections at Moorfields in London. I only remember two where I felt the Doctor was 'heavy handed' although the anaesthetic was totally effective.

I react badly to any iodine left in the eye and was told to remind the injection staff of this prior to each and every injection. The result has been a really 'super' flush each time and I have had no further problems.

The point of me writing that was to reinforce the idea of discussing your concerns with the staff at every opportunity and stage of your treatment.

To minimise the inevitable tension prior to treatment, I have had much success with a few seconds deep breathing. it really helps.

Good luck!

Kimkar001 profile image
Kimkar001 in reply to yotboy

Hi so sorry to bother you but I noticed in your comment that you have had over 30 injections. I also have had way over 30 and I have just been told (Milton Keynes hospital) that they now fear too many injections are causing thinning behind the eye, and will now only inject my eye if there is severe deterioration. Just wondered if you have been told this as well. Thank you. Kim

yotboy profile image
yotboy in reply to Kimkar001

Thanks. Your reply is welcome & not a bother! I shall be discussing your comment when I next go to Moorfields on 24th March. I'll come back to you if there is anything significant. For me, it seems neither Lucentis or Eylea will get rid of the remaining fluid, but are holding it stable. Exciting isn't it?!

SYLKE profile image

I am really sorry to see you have this problem as it is the same as the problem I had, my feet jumped right off the bed the 1st injection and there was nothing I could do about it as it is a reflex action. So like you I was terrified of the next injection, when I went for it I told the nurse about it and I was given a lot more drops of a different anaesthetic. Also like Yotboy I reacted badly to the iodine and told the doctor about it and it is now highlighted in my notes to dilute it and thoroughly wash it out after. So you see if you tell them your problems with it they will sort it out for you. Good luck.

Macular_1 profile image

Hello Pauline,

I can only echo the responses from other posters. Eye injections should not be painful and I suspect that the doctor is either not giving enough anaesthetic drops or letting them take effect before your injection.

You must tell the eye clinic about the pain and if necessary report in writing to your consultant, (I suspect that it is not your consultant who administers the injections?)

A few floaters do sometimes occur post injection; again discuss with the eye clinic staff if you are concerned.

If you would like to discuss further, please call the Macular Society helpline 0300 30 30 111 (9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday).

Best wishes


Macular Society

musicalmama profile image
musicalmama in reply to Macular_1

I have CRVO (Central Vein Occulsion) and have had two injections prior to the one I had last week. The ophthamologist administers the injections; not the nurse. I had no pain with the first two injections with one drop of an anesthetic. Last week, for my third injection, the procedure was the same, but I felt a jolt of extreme pain and yelled out. When it was over, I asked if they were sure that they gave me the anesthetic drop and they said yes. I left in tears and in shock from what had just happened. That evening and all the next day, I couldn't see out of that eye. I called and they said to wait another day. I went back on the second day and the dr said that when I flinched, he knicked my lens. I now have to have cataract surgery to repair it. While I understand that it could have been my flinching that caused him to do this, why in the world would there not be a head clamp of some kind to hold a patient's head in place so it can't move? I asked him if, in the future, I need another injection, could I have more drops and he said more drops don't make any difference; whether it's one or fifty. He said he could use the gel, but it burns quite a bit. He also said he could give me Valium.

So, my questions are....Why is there not a vice to hold a patient's head, since there is a great chance of involuntary movement? Why wasn't I told about the gel and Valium options? Why am I reading about MANY eye drs. and patients saying that they CAN get more drops to enhance the numbness? Why is it my fault that this happened, instead of the doctor's fault for not doing everything possible to ensure that involuntary movement is lessened?

I am now having to pay for optometrist appointments, cataract surgery, and a new prescription for glasses after the surgery.

kate766 profile image

Hi there I agree with other comments. I always ask for diluted iodine as I had a reaction If you explain how you reacted last time I am sure they will give you plenty of anaesthetic. I have had 2 years of injections and go to West Suffolk Hosp. We always have a charming volunteer who hols our hands and

kate766 profile image
kate766 in reply to kate766

Sorry guys didn't complete above comment. Meant to say holds our hand and calms us down

AmalaB profile image
AmalaB in reply to kate766

How sweet to have a volunteer like that!

Fully endorse what has been said above.

Ask if the hospital can use a different anaesthetic, most have an alternative available.

Also, ask if they will inject in a different part of the eye. There is only a 4mm band around the lens which can be used, the Pars Plana, but some patients have had the different sections mapped and receive the shot in an area which gives least discomfort.

Black discs are merely tiny air bubbles which assimilate sometimes within hours but on one occasion for me they lasted 36hrs. It is v unusual though to have them occur after every shot. This smacks of inexperience by the practitioner(s). I have had it happen just 3 times in 64 shots.

I have been very fortunate in having had no pain.

Warrenlee profile image

I recd my fifth injection yesterday no pain every single time

Beldie profile image

I really do sympathise with you; I've had about a dozen injections and every single one has been very painful (although it is a very short-lived pain). The one before last made me shriek out loud and I consequently lost confidence in that particular nurse-practitioner. So next time I discussed the anaesthesia with the consultant, because I'd read it took up to ten minutes to work and the nurse/p never waited that length of time but injected right away. Now I'm told there are alternatives which work instantly. Then there are the other variables: nurse experience, patient sensitivity, different bits of the eye (don't ask me!) She suggested making my appointments when I knew it would be the other nurse/p. She also put in some anaesthesia there and then, before I went into the clean room. That did help. Yesterday she did the same and the injection wasn't the worst but...it was still that moment of considerable pain. Given that some people never feel any pain I do wonder what's happening. I always ask every question I can think of and always request lots of anaesthesia. Until the shrieking incident I'd always taken everything as it came and never worried in advance. But now I'm apprehensive - which can't help. Maybe you'd like to try a bit of meditation beforehand? Or something of that sort. I'm 85 now and getting a bit fed up trying so hard. Good luck for the future but do talk to the consultant about all your concerns,

Ayayay80 profile image

I sympathise with you, Pauline. All but one of my injections have been painful to various degrees and I still don't know what to expect and feel apprehensive. I always ask the nurse for 2 aenestetic drops before I go the clean room, and it takes anything between 5 and and 20 minutes before more aenestetic drops and the injection are given, depending on the number of patients ahead of me.

I am considering taking 2 paracetamol an hour before I go to the clinic as someone on this forum seems to do and said it helped. The reason I have not yet tried it is that I would have to wait at least 4 hours before taking more, and I always like to take them and go to bed as soon as I get home. But it might be worth a try.

The fliers, floaters, bubbles, black disks, hoops or whatever else you may see are part of the injection fluid, and possibly some cell debris floating around in the eye gel and are not at the front of your eyes even though they appear to be. Relaxation may be useful, but that is hard to achieve when you have had bad experiences, though I never get myself all het-up before the injection. Having different nurses/practioners each time does not help.

I hope your next injection is a better experience for you. Do not worry too much about it; it does not help. On the contrary, it tenses you up even more. Yes, I too as the nurse to hold my hand when the final crunch comes. It feels a little more reassuring.

All the best

new2AMD14915 profile image

I ask for extra strong numbing drops when I have my injection which the nurse is always happy to provide. I have had occasions when I flinch and end up with a bloody eye for weeks. It's not to be recommended -the strong drops help

JJnan profile image

It does depend on who gives injection , ive been having Aylea inj for nearly 3 yrs, to cut it short, the Macula unit moved from main hosp to smaller unit in the hospital, in main part we had doctors injecting and nurses to hold your hand , now we have "injectors" no hand holding, their heavy handed, give wrong dates for inj, not concerned in your wellbeing ....i made a complaint after a particular bad experience and its done us all good....we have hand holders back, and consultants to inj ...please tell your concerns to consultant ...dont suffer in silence ...hope things improve for you xxxx

Ayayay80 profile image
Ayayay80 in reply to JJnan

Well done for complaining, jjnan. There is absolutely no excuse for treatiing patients so shabbily.

enopmar profile image

I had 2 Avastin previously, my first Eylea was this week. The doctor told me beforehand that I would see many more air bubbles with Eylea and it might last 36 hours. I had one really large one and a few smaller. They all disappeared after a couple of days, although I actually tried to "step over" the larger one once, LOL. As for relaxation, I take a bit of a xanax before my appointment.

Liz5864 profile image

I'm so sorry to hear that. I have had many eylea injections and they are not painful but I do feel pressure. The pain usually comes after the anaesthetic wears off. As for the floaters, I think they are common and should disappear after a few days. The loss of vision is not normal. I have only had that happen once when the pressure in my eye went very high and the doctor immediately injected my eye with something else to bring the pressure down. I think you need to tell your doctor about the vision loss asap. Best wishes to you.

You could ask if they could use a different anaesthetic, most hospitals will have at least one alternative.

A second possibility is to ask if they could inject in a different area around the margin of the lens. There is a 4mm band which can be used but injecting in a different segment can help minimise pain. I have had injections from a number of different practitioners over nearly 7yrs and I have noticed that most have their own preferred area. A patient I know of in America got her doctor to map the different areas and now has the injections in the least uncomfortable sections.

Eyelet profile image

Take a couple of paracetamol before you go for the injection. They hopefully will take the edge off for you.

Also do tell them how you react and they should load on the anaesthetic drops.

arwmd profile image

Make sure you sit in the chair holding your smartphone to time the wait after the numbing med before you let the doc administer the injection. To feel no pain it must be 5 minutes.

EYE2 profile image

I am hoping for some advice. Is this normal? My mother has had 6 eye injection appointments, the last 4 have not completed as she felt the needle. Everyones very apologetic and surprised and she doesn't want me to make a fuss but she is very traumatised. She live s in a remote UK community and is worried this is her only option and deonst want me to get involved.

Shimano profile image

I had the same problem. Insist on aneAsthetic injection prior to jag. Lidocaine is what I get. They must wait five minutes for it to be affective. Am also allergic to iodine and get an alternative. It has helped a lot. Sometimes no pain at all, other times it hurts but not unbearable. The hardest thing is to state your case forcefully because it’s hard to face up to doctors, usually men, who just don’t want to listen and overcome your own guilt for bothering them when things are so difficult in the nhs at the moment. Best of luck. There are solutions. Stick to your guns.

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