Medication for Fibro?: Does anybody take Tramodol... - LUPUS UK


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Medication for Fibro?

11 Replies

Does anybody take Tramodol and amtriptalene for fibro pain?Iam soposed to start this tomorrow.Ihave read p on Tramadol and didnt like what i read,,highly addictive etc.Ihave got to have something new as cant cope with daily pain as it is.Itake hydroxy and fexafenadine hydrochoride for dle.Thank you for any help with this question.

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11 Replies
Trace profile image

Hi Dawn, Ive just read ur question, I wrote on the other blog that I take Tramadol, been taking them for about 3 years now, I dont like taking them but sometimes the pain is so bad, I have too, as I also wrote sometimes the pain is so bad they dont help, its a catch 22 situation hun, I dont have the answer for it, I also take Amitryptilene for migraines - been on them for 6 years but think my system is used to them cos in the last few months, Ive started getting them (migraines) again,Not sure if this has helped but I hopoe it has, keep strong darling xx

in reply to Trace

Thanks hun,,i replied in the wrong place,,my reply underneath this message,,what am i like ha ha.xx

Thanks so much for this Trace,,ive just replied on the other blog.Imust read up some more on them.Also it says avoid alchohol,,that be a laugh iv drank two to three glassed of wine most nights for ages now,,it helps me sleep,,so should be interesting lol!!

Ihope your Migraines dont get any worse hun,, i feel for you,,i never used to get headaches ever,now get most days never mind a migraine,,i wont say how do you cope,,you dont have any choice but too i know!!You stay strong too hun.xx

Trace profile image
Trace in reply to

Keep drinking the wine luv, you know your body & how it affects you, sadly I hardly drink at all anymore (interferes with the warfarin). Your right Dawn,we dont have any choice but to cope with it, thats why I enjoy things like going to lunch with friends etc, know I'm gonna pay for it tomorrow especially as Ive got Cardiac Rehab but I wont let Lupus control my life xx

Hey i love your fighting spirit girl!!! Ialways say hey im a sagitariun,the eternal optimist and refuse to be down for long.Ilike to get out to lunch now and again,,i cant fault ya there lass :),,as for the few glasses a wine,,dont think i will give em up,,i enjoy at the end of the day!!Hope goes well tmorra for ya pet and lupus wont control our lives!!! :) :)xx

Trace profile image

Bless you Dawn :-) x

Lorelei profile image

Hi dawn,

I am 50 and have had lupus for 15 years. My rheumatologist told me I had fibromyalgia also, but never tested me for it and never treated it.Recently all my blood tests for lupus came back negative (no lupus activity). I cannot understand why I still have pain so asked my internist if my pain is now caused by fibro. He told me that he does not believe that fibromyalia is real. He said that the only drug that helps patients with fibro is an antidepressant, implying that fibro patients are just feeling pain because they are depressed.

Wow, was I surprised!! He has been a great doc for my whole family, handling high blood pressure, high cholesterol, gastric reflux, infections and things like that!

So it looks like I struck out!! He won't be giving me any medicine for my fibro pain


I have read that Lyrica is a drug that decreases the pain of fibromyalgia. I've tried it but it caused me to retain a lot of fluid. My ankles swelled up with fluid like softballs. So I had to go off of it right away. Also, if you need an anti-depressant, Cymbalta is supposed to be the best one for patients with a lot of soft tissue and muscle pain like fibromyalgia causes. I have taken that. It alone wasn't enough for my pain...I needed to take Celebrex in addition. I get great pain relief from Celebrex.

My 16 year old daughter has taken Tramadol. It is usually prescribed as a pain reliever in patients who may have to take it for a very long time because it causes the least harm to the liver and kidneys. So they gave it to my daughter because she is so young. (Her bloodwork shows early signs of rheumatoid arthritis.)

It worked very well for her pain. The only problem was that it made her extremely sleepy. The doctor who prescribed the Tramadol did NOT mention that it was addictive. My daughter took it every day for 18 months then completely stopped taking it when the doc told her to with no problem at all.

I hope that this little bit I know about Lyrica, Cymbalta and Tramadol is helpful to you!

Most importantly, I hope that you have doctors who believe that you have a real disease and believe that they can give you treatment that will make you better! Sounds like you do!

That's where I am stuck at the moment myself!

Wishing you all the best!


Hi there Lorelei.

Thank you for your reply,,my 1st comment would be.POOR YOU,,sounds like your not getting the help and support you need and also deserve!!

Firstly my blood tests for DLE came back negative for 3years athough all the symptoms were there..terrible rash most of the time,,even becoming spotty,and sore like,then calm down and left alot of scar tissue,,which i still have,,Hydroxy helped after nearly 3months,,chronic fatigue.and unbearable muscle pain,,hair loss,,unable to sit in sun all the usuall.Nobody beilived me,,until they did a skin biopsy and the results were then positive so i suggest you ask for this!

As for your internist ?? he says fybro aint real and you imagine pain,,,what planet he on?? lol..there are tests he should do on you..there are pressure points on your body he should test???The antidpresants arnt prescribed as far as i know for depression,,amtriptomole(spelling)the one im having is to relax muscles at bed time so help you sleep!!I sopose it works as antidepresant in patients who need it.I would say Lupus and fibro certainly get me down but i am not depressed! i forgot to add my ruemys also prescribed that i start pysiotherapy soon for Fybro and i cant wait!

I really think you should go back and demand more tests and insist you need taking seriously,,poor you,,i am going to give Tramado a go,,today for 1st day in ages i am managing my pain,,its moderate,,i can actually walk nearly normal,,the soft tissue in my foot just seems to snap,,hard to explain,,so im happy im managing this,,still hurt evreywere else,,shoulder area,,elbows,hips,fingers and knees,,ha ha,what an old cronk eh im 47 by the way.So bring on the tramadol i say.I really hope you get some proper help soon.

Kindest regards,,Dawn.

in reply to

Amtriptolene the antidressant,,im still learning all the names.x

franklin853 profile image

i have recently been told that aswell as my SLE i might have fibro. Ive been given Tramadol and get really scared when i take them as i think i might get addicted.They do help with my pain though. Would like to no of anymore tips or things that people use.

LindseyMid profile image

Check out FibroAction's website (we just set up a HU community also) for infor on Fibro:

There is a lot that can be done to manage it.

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