HI I am new to all of this and i live in canada, i have been diagnosed a year ago, and frustrated and scared with all these meds and symptoms., from migraines to rashes to seizures and 2 weeks of insomnia ahh any one with similare symptoms?? it's my first time on a site such as this...
new to lupus and blogs: HI I am new to all of this... - LUPUS UK
new to lupus and blogs

hi there, and welcome..only joined a few days ago myself..was diagnosed back in 97 when i was 18 just after the birth of my daughter... lupus is a scary illness, i have nearly died, have lost all my hair, had both hips replaced in 01 because of it..i get rashes, joint pains, headaches, insomnia, depression and kidney probs with it..on the whole i have accepted i have the illness..but i am only human and have days when i really feel sorry for myself.
feel free to off load or ask any questions if you need to, it seems to be kinda like 1 big lupus family on here
take care, lucy x
Hi Jasmin,
A very warm welcome from the UK Lupies. You will get lots of empathy from all of us as we have a clue as to what you are going through, physically, mentally and emotionally. It can take some time to adjust and accept the diagnosis - it took me years as I could not accept that it was a permanent thing - that was 18 years ago.
Big hugs from me
Hi Jasmin, welcome, as has been said Lupus is a very scary illness, this is a great site cos we all know how we all feel, it can take time to adjust/get used to Lupus, Ive had Lupus for 6 years & I'm not sure that I have ever really accepted it. We are all here for you x
Greetings Jasmin, you might live in Canada but here on the site we are all family, I have had Lupus for 16 years now, I am referred to as a difficult patient as the Drs have struggled with mine. A few things to remember, you need to rest, you need to pace yourself and learn to say NO, when you are not well dont push yourself, the only thing you do by pushing yourself is make your condition worse and your flares will last longer. This illness is up and down all the time, it will differ from person to person. As stated by all, we are here to give advice and understanding to each other, the only people that know what it is like is the people that have it.
Hi Jasmin
Welcome to the site, I have got a lot out of this site,also i hope i have given just a tiny bit. I have learned lots from all the other lupies and i'm sure you will to.
Hi Jasmin..i new here to,all these comments are all from wonderful people who really understand,they helped me understand alot.Hey and welcome.x
Hi Jasmine. I joined a few weeks ago, and the site has been my lifeline. Knowing others fully understanad when your down or up on a high, is so helpful. and knowing there are real people that understand the pain and drugs we take and offering to talk to me when need be, I could not be without all the friends on here, Always here if you need a chat anytime. X
Hi everyone - and good luck to all of you and I pray and wish all lupies the best every day - I am also new to this site and have found it very beneficial already reading so many of the same symptoms. When I was first diagnosed in 2007 after having a brain haemerage - related to the lupus - I was continuously having something similar to a seizure - no one has every put a name to it for me - like shaking/major tremors/like having a fit - but never lose concisousness - has anyone else experienced this - now that my medication has been stabilised I experience them less often - normally when I over exert myself - previously I could get like 30-40 a day - like 20 one after the other each one lasting anything from five minutes to like 40 minutes - I have not learn't to feel when they are coming on and have got medication to take to stop them getting worse - I would love to hear from people that have the same thing?? All the best to you allxx