Hi all , not sure if any of you had recently been suffering from severe migraines as I have been for the pass week. or so. I am not sure if it the change of weather that is causing it. It has been killing my head so much and making me so hot at the same time . LFT is neg . rest of the family is fine. I know I suffer from severe migraines and on meds for it but have been stable but all of a sudden I have been having multiple attacks in a day in the week as well. ridiculous. hopefully I can find some sort of solution to this soon. 😞
Migraines Again!!! : Hi all , not sure if any of... - LUPUS UK
Migraines Again!!!

Do you have an aura pre headache?
not this time it is quite different. this headache it is on the left side this time not right. Started from behind my ear near my jaw area with a very shape pain each time I move my mouth. My usual aura is I get Star burst type vision and very heady and the nape of my right sided neck gets a dull ache and I get pressure in my right eye at the same time before I get the full blown migraine. this one was totally out of character . I really not sure how or what to put my finger on that I had to get my hubby to give my a good deep massage yesterday and this morning . Prior to that I even tried it with the tennis ball to use it to massage on my body against the wall it helped briefly then it came back again the pain. I could feel lumps on my loads of head from all the migraines .So annoying. I makes my muscles really tense when I have it and makes it really painful as well . especially when I try to relax so much it tries to revert to the opposite direction. 😠🙄 but on the good side of it at least I am feeling much better than yesterday . as for pain so so much better.I am not in bed sleeping a real bonus !!
Ask your gp about a bubble study via a cardiologist. My migraine with aura was the result of a grade 5 (large )hole in my heart(pfo) with an arterial septal aneurysm.(ASA). It was found after I suffered a massive stroke in my forties and it was closed after I had a second stroke. I have not suffered a MA since it was closed. Recent studies are proving a PFO with ASA link to MA and closure is far more successful than medical treatment alone. acc.org/latest-in-cardiolog.... Good luck.
I suffered for years and it magically got resolved w Ajovy
I agree it sounds like you need further investigation . I find mine come in cycles . I recently had the covid booster and had 10 days back to back migraine , never had this before , horrendous I was basically bedridden either with migraine , from hangover from migraine or fatigue , that was in October better now . I take Topirimate 25mcg twice a day but can take it three times , so I increased it I think this helped. I would also agree about the weather if there is a change or it is thundery or a lovely windy but sunny day I have to limit my time outside. Even then migraine sometimes gets me. Keeping a diary helps , I learn by default sometimes but hey!
Hope you get some rest from it and some of the advice and support on here helps . Oh and don’t overdo it when you are well , 3 days activities crammed into 1 , trying to be Superwoman won’t help , I learnt that one the hard way , time and time again. Sending hugs 🤗 🤗 M x
I get cluster migraine then hangover migraine which can take weeks to clear. As this is a different attack for you I think it worth a call to GP just to be safe. 🤗
I've been getting migraine affecting my left side recently.
Seasonal Variation in the Activity of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
says lupus CNS activity can be higher in the fall months.
It would be great if they suggested why...
yeh , after that bout of migraines I had several lupus lesion spots on my legs which is what happens whenever I get a flare up or any form of episodes of migraines so looks like this left sided migraines classified it as well. 🙄😞 , Thanks for the article would be interesting to be a participant on it 🤣🤣