Eyes: I had two days of a slight relief on hydro... - LUPUS UK


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Stellawillow profile image
23 Replies

I had two days of a slight relief on hydro forte seems my body has now said I’m used to you now so do one. I’m going crazy with itching burning watering I am now in tears nothing is helping and still waiting for appointment with specialist. Laid down with heated pad and I’m so sore I feel like I’ve got needles in my eyes

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Stellawillow profile image
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23 Replies
Foggyme profile image

Oh Stellawillow. Your eyes look so sore and painful.

If you have a large hospital with an eye casualty, suggest you pop in there and let them take a look. They can check your eyes to see what’s going on and also prescribe something suitable that will give you some relief (prescription meds can often be better and more appropriate than something bought over the counter and you may need something other than hylo forte). You don’t look as if you can or should wait for goodness knows how long for an appointment with an ophthalmologist.

I’ve had to go to eye casualty a couple of times and they’ve always been so helpful and kind. Preferably a hospital that has a separate eye casualty (usually found in large teaching hospitals) - but A & E will do if not close to a hospital with specialist eye casualty).

Really hope that you can get some help soon. Please let us know how you get on. Good luck x

P.s if your eyes become more swollen and painful (especially around the orbit) definitely go to hospital and get them checked. If your eyes become infected and it turns into orbital cellulitis, that can be quite dangerous (but certainly not suggesting you have that - just something to be aware of and watch out for).

KayHimm profile image

Oh, Stellawillow, your eyes do look very sore. I don’t know that much about these issues but my advice is to do exactly what @Foggyme says. Take care of yourself.


Insomniacette profile image

I agree that it might be time to head to the hospital tomorrow. Going during normal hours might be best as there will be specialists there. They look so painful it's not worth waiting. Very sorry you're going through this stellawillow

Cal48 profile image

Some local opticians run an emergency eye clinic which is nhs .My local one got me a hospital appt.

when I had a problem ,she saw me that day and I had hospital appt next day.

Stellawillow profile image
Stellawillow in reply to Cal48

I saw my optician last week she’s referred me but I need help now. I’ve come into work to finish off orders then I’m going to hospital xx

Foggyme profile image
Foggyme in reply to Stellawillow

Good luck at the hospital Stellawillow 🤞x

chrisj profile image
chrisj in reply to Stellawillow

Let us know how you get on. Hugs xxx

That’s the best thing to do, hope to hear you feel better later. Take care x

puffyface profile image

Oh dear goodness...you can’t put up with that. I agree with the others, straight to A and E. I was trying to explain sore, burning, blurred eyes to my husband (who seems to think these things must just be a bit of an irritation...😱). To me, and I get migraine, peripheral neuropathy etc....eyes are the worst. You can’t get away from them....they burn when they’re shut, and we need the so see. I think they’ll take one look at you and sort you out! Best of luck xx

Stellawillow profile image
Stellawillow in reply to puffyface

Absolutely no luck at hospital I’ve to wait for my referral I’m distraught

Foggyme profile image
Foggyme in reply to Stellawillow

Oh no… that’s not good. Did you manage to get to an eye casualty rather than 'just' an A & E department?

Whenever I've been to eye casualty they’ve always recognised how important eyes are (😳) and said they’d sooner people didn’t take any chances and always get things checked out.

Some (perhaps all) general A & E's do not always take the same approach - sorry to say.

And if it was an eye casualty, then that’s disgraceful.

The only other option I can think of (if no eye casualty) is to see your optician - they can prescribe, if necessary and also refer direct to hospital if there's an acute problem that needs immediate attention.

Or perhaps see your GP (though getting in to see mine is a bit like trying to book passage to the moon 😬). Or pharmacists are often a good source of help.

I'm so sorry. Please don’t give up trying to get help. It’s awful but those who shout loudest eventually get results - though how terrible that it has to be like that x

P.s You could also get in touch with your GP and ask them to contact the Opthomology department and request that they expedite your appointment.

Stellawillow profile image
Stellawillow in reply to Foggyme

Only option is to ask dr or optician again my dr did mention steroid treatment but wasn’t happy to prescribe unless necessary but I think it is now xx

Foggyme profile image
Foggyme in reply to Stellawillow

Yes, looks like you need something - it’s too long to wait for an appointment with your eyes like that. When my eyes were really bad I was prescribed steroids eye drops (dexamethasone) and they were really effective. And you have the images to show the ophthalmologist if your eyes clear up (wouldn’t that be wonderful).

So GP sounds a good plan - hope they're more helpful than A & E. x

honeybug profile image

OMGOODNESS Stellawillow 🤗

I’m so sorry you are suffering so much.

My eyes swell so much the lids will turn outward/roll up.

I now use allergy eye drops.

When my eyes are as swollen as yours I take a washcloth and place an ice cube for each eye spaced to fit exactly over my eyes. Then I roll the washcloth with ice cubes inside then I will lay down place the rolled wash cloth over my closed eyes making sure the cubes are located over each eyelid.

I use a timer for 5-10 minutes at first. You can go longer if tolerable being sure not to freeze your eyelids and eyes.

This procedure reduces my swelling and itching too.

Then I also now use lubricating drops to help moisturize them.

Do you have allergies?

I have countless including being allergic to everything outside.

I stay away from heat.

I hope this helps you too.

Best wishes for relief soon.

Take care.

EJ 😊🌿🌸🦋

Wendy39 profile image

Gosh your eyes look so sore. I’m really sorry that the hospital haven’t helped you at all.

Do you have an eye hospital near by? Or could you speak to your opticians again? Anything to get some urgent help / treatment?

I can’t offer any further advice, you’ve had excellent recommendations above. I’ll just post some information here. I think you’re pending diagnosis. Have you read about Sjögren’s syndrome?

Best wishes





Stellawillow profile image
Stellawillow in reply to Wendy39

Yes heard of Sjogrens but I’m still waiting for blood results go said takes two weeks as they have sent to two separate places. Xx

Spanielmadlady profile image
Spanielmadlady in reply to Wendy39

If its sjorgens there is no emergency help for it.ive just got to wait for my eyes to settle in their own time using drops, gel eye masks and staying out of the sun.again the opthalmogist dont do anything for sjorgens either.having been 4 times to the eye clinic in 5 weeks as an emergency with the episcleritis all they did regarding the sjorgens was tell my gp to prescribe drops.for the episcleritis I had prednisolone drops.ive also had a bout of blepharitis when the steroids finished.. again as sore as it is it settles in it's own time .sorry if that sounds harsh.for severe sjorgens they may prescribe immunosuppressants but there is no short term quick fix many times I wear sunglasses indoors and have to listen to the tv x

Wendy39 profile image
Wendy39 in reply to Spanielmadlady

Yes, it says in the NICE Guidelines that glasses help stop your eyes dry out. The guidelines give a lot of information about treatment and care. They also recommend a humid environment rather than a dry environment. Definitely worth a skim read. Sjogrens should be monitored by a rheumatologist too, I think.

Spanielmadlady profile image
Spanielmadlady in reply to Wendy39

I've found the wrap around glasses the best they protect against wind more.it was rheumatology that diagnosed me and eye clinic confirmed it. The only bit of 8info 8 got from eye clinic was scleritis has a lupus and sjorgens link x

Stellawillow profile image
Stellawillow in reply to Spanielmadlady

I am wearing sunglasses all the time until evening and yes tv is hard to watch. I’ve never had it this long before. We’re away for a week tomorrow going to Cornwall I’m hoping a break from everything will relax me. Do you get raynards with Sjorgens too it sounds very similar to lupus . Xx

Spanielmadlady profile image
Spanielmadlady in reply to Stellawillow

I hope you manage to relax and enjoy your break. They are both AI illnesses there seems to be a link between most of them and you are more likely to have more than Ai 1 illness .x

Tykle profile image

Sorry to hear things are still bad. Don't worry about having steroid drops for a while. I've had several courses of them and they do help in the short term. I think when it's bad, anything will do! At this time of year, there are plenty of irritants blowing around to add to the problem, so the wrap-around glasses are a really good idea. Enjoy your break.

Stellawillow profile image
Stellawillow in reply to Tykle

I’m going out to find some wrap around glasses tomorrow xx

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