Hi 👋 looking for any recommendations on Rhumatology consultant at this hospital? I’m Currently at Gartnavel and feeling not getting much help at appointments and since changing to phone appointments even less.... lad call could hardly hear and Just left to plod on... so was thinking of asking for referral as I know they now have a lupus specialist nurse 😊 which I feel would be better than just a CTD clinic. Thanks
Western General Hospital Edinburgh, Rhumatology? - LUPUS UK
Western General Hospital Edinburgh, Rhumatology?
Are you in Glasgow or Edinburgh? They won't normally refer you out of area without good reason. I'm afraid I haven't heard anything about that hospital but I think there's a contact from Edinburgh for lupus UK you could speak to.
If you're in Glasgow then QEUH has a good team and just got a new consultant who has plenty experience in lupus from working with Dr Morrison. Clinics are currently alternating so you get one face to face and then the next over the phone (though some of us seem to have two face to face appointments so far).
Hopefully someone has experience from Edinburgh for you, but there's not many Scottish lupies on here.
Hi I don't know anyone in the NHS Lothian area. But a refferal to NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde might be reasonable if there are no rheumatology with specialist interest in lupus or ctd. I see Dr Laura McGregor at Stobhill hospital. I was previously with a Dr Maddox in Glasgow Royal Infirmary but found Dr McGregor when I had a flare and went back to GP who recommended her.
I think you can just ask your GP to refer you. If you don't ask you don't get! Good luck 🍀
Yes I do. I find him very helpful in managing my condition. He listens, offers advice and involves me in the decision making process concerning medications and the way forward.
Thanks, I feel That be got to stalemate with my current Rhumatology, as I’m on hydroxychloroquine and methotrexate but still steadily deteriorating in last 5 years, my muscle weakness and joints getting worse, there’s more and more I can’t do now... last appointment no suggestions and reckons I’m managing well!