A quick question to see if anyone else has come across this?!
For the past 10 weeks I have been stuck in a cycle of flaring, it first starts with all over itching! This has never happened before and has come on totally out of the blue. At first I thought nothing of it, it is this strange all over prickling sensation that over a few days gets worse and worse until it is a maddening all over fire itch! All over my whole skin, but there is absolutely nothing to see at all!
After about 3 days it breaks into a low grade fever with flu feeling and extreme fatigue, night sweats, migraines which leaves me completely on the floor. It starts a prickly hot malar rash which comes and goes. The fever lasts for about a week then slowly settles down and then a few days later the itching starts again and it cycles around.... it’s been doing this since mid November
After about a month of this I started with really sharp stabbing chest pains and shortness of breath and a rapid heart rate. I went to the drs who sent me straight to hospital because my heart rate was so fast. The said probably pericarditis and put me on colchicine.
I started prednisolone 2 weeks ago but so far it hasn’t stopped it. I feel like the itching is something to do with an immune response and it is causing lupus flares, or is part of a new symptom?? I have no idea!!
Does anyone else experience this? It’s a total nightmare! I feel like if the itching would stop it would all settle itself back down again!! Is this a normal autoimmune thing?? This manic itching!?