As we all spend a lot of time talking about the many times when friends/ family (and doctors!) just can’t comprehend our diseases because of our invisible symptoms I thought I would share what has happened to me recently when some indirect effects of the disease have become visible!
The lupus in my nervous system has also been attacking my autonomic nervous system meaning I can’t control heart rate etc so I have been regularly blacking out. I haven’t learnt to elegantly crumple and seem to fall like a plank on my face 🙄😂 with subsequent bruises/ cuts etc.
Now these minor injuries are the absolute least of my worries as you will all understand - a bruise compared to the profound fatigue, a small cut compared to the constant joint pain, a black eye compared to my brain not being able to do the simplest thing yet suddenly I have a huge amount of sympathy and help - from friends, strangers and doctors! I have people bringing dinner, supermarket staff asking if I need help, doctors saying poor you. Husband taking on all of my jobs. All for a few bruises...
I tried to explain to my very close and lovely group of friends that these visible injuries are nothing compared to what we lupus/ CTD disease sufferers have to contend with every day but they didn’t really get it - just kept saying ‘but your face’ !🙄🙃 Even my amazing rheumy kept looking at me sympathetically and tutting at my face and saying we must stop this happening. I would put up with a constantly banged up face in exchange for even a quarter of the energy I used to have.
So maybe we should all join a boxing club so that we regularly have offers of help, empathy and some outward signs of the struggle we all have every day 😂😂