Everyday Life. e.s.a. stopped. : I am finding I am... - LUPUS UK


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Everyday Life. e.s.a. stopped.

Mandypandy1969 profile image
9 Replies

I am finding I am getting more and more forgetful, absent minded. I don't listen. getting more clumsy and lack concentration. Nothing like this came up in my assessment I attended. the forms are all about physical more than mental. in the physical side where I have problems with aching limbs, back etc. because I could lift arms above head etc, nothing wrong in there minds. I can't reach for things or hold arms up for more than a couple of seconds as they are so weak and feel like lead weights which is the same with my legs, if I walk up stairs, I have to keep stopping due to aching and jelly like feeling and breathlessness. they answer questions for you, if you say anything, you are ignored. I am totally stressed out knowing that I have to go for an interview at the job centre on Wednesday and I know aswell as everyone else I know, that I couldn't hold a job down.

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Mandypandy1969 profile image
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9 Replies
Natura profile image

Hi Mandy. Boy, do I hear you. I just lost my job. I guess I made too many mistakes. I can look at papers, and miss things. I feel like my brain skips. And theres just a hole there. I am terribly forgetful. Scared I am getting alzheimers. Dizzy. My eyes are blood shot today for no reason.

Just went on an interview for a new job. Multi taskng. Counter, phones, data entry. I honestly dont know if I can do it. I used to be able to do everything with few mistakes. Just not sure of what I see is going to stay in my brain for any amount of time. Its awful . Always been a hard worker.

Mandypandy1969 profile image
Mandypandy1969 in reply to Natura

I have been too. I have been on e.s.a for 2 and a half years for bipolar/personality disorder. I was diagnosed with lupus in April. the aching has been going on a long time. even changed my mattress as thought it was that. I decided to go to the docs. had blood tests and my esr blood result was in the 60's. my arms aches even hanging washing out, felt like lead weights as do my legs when climbing stairs and even a slight incline when going for a walk along with breathlessness. in my last job 2 and a half years ago, I was called dosey Dora at work as I was always forgetting things and so absent minded. I was bullied in the end with the taking the piss out of my forgetfulness. I went into depression as I knew I was being laughed at behind my back. I took it as a joke at first then something happened and was put on Facebook. I ended up getting the sack as I wasn't turning up for work due to getting depressed through the bullying. haven't worked since. I have now been forced to go into jobseekers and I am highly stressed. it is nice to hear that I am not on my own in what I am going through. I feel I am losing my mind too. xx

Natura profile image
Natura in reply to Mandypandy1969

That is absolutely uncalled for to be bullied at work. How come no one put a stop to it? I am truly sorry. I believe there is a plan. Something will come along. Another door will open for you. Taking care of yourself is most important.

Mandypandy1969 profile image
Mandypandy1969 in reply to Natura

the manager was the main bully.

misty14 profile image

Hi mandypandy

You need to go to citizens advice or call them as they'll help you with an ESA appeal and dealing with the Jobcentre. So sorry what has happened to you. There number is 03444 111 444. X

Mandypandy1969 profile image

yes I will thank you but got to go job centre on Wednesday. cab is always busy so will have to try and get in touch with them for an appointment. xx

Chanpreet_Walia profile image
Chanpreet_WaliaLUPUS UK

Hi Mandypandy1969,

Difficulty in articulating thoughts and memory impairment are common symptoms that are associated with lupus; it is referred to as ‘brain fog’ or ‘lupus fog’ by people with lupus. Stress, anxiety and fatigue are a few examples of the causes of brain fog, you can find out more about this in our blog article ‘Coping with Brain Fog’: lupusuk.org.uk/coping-with-...

We published an article on our blog about ‘pain management’ which contains helpful tips and information: lupusuk.org.uk/pain-managem...

Have you spoken to your GP or rheumatologist about the symptoms you are experiencing?

If in doubt, it is always worth speaking to your doctor about the symptoms you are experiencing as he/she can provide you with the correct advice and treatment. Also, the doctor may refer you to a specialist such as physiotherapist or pulmonary specialist (for breathlessness), if required.

Sometimes, certain situations can be overwhelming which is why talking to someone can help relieve worries and anxiety that you may have. If you would like someone to speak to, we can provide you with LUPUS UK contacts who you can chat with over the telephone. These contacts are volunteers who mostly have lupus themselves; they are not medically trained but are there to offer support and understanding. If you would like a contact to speak to, you can email me at chanpreet@lupusuk.org.uk .

If you would like literature regarding ESA i.e. reconsiderations, appeals and the support available to you, you can email me.

Please keep us updated, wishing you all the best.

Mandypandy1969 profile image
Mandypandy1969 in reply to Chanpreet_Walia

yes and yes, I would like this information I am going to see my g.p. about some stronger pain killers and anti inflammatories as naproxen and paracetamol are not helping anymore. I will certainly mention the brain fog. I feel I am losing my mind. mum asks me something and I have forgotten straight away. she asked me to make a coffee the other day. lifted lid off what I thought was the coffee hat and I took lid off a jar which wasn't the coffee jar, it was a jar of salted peanuts. I am not with it at all. she says I don't listen lol. I can laugh now but it's scary as you feel you are not with it at all. Thank you so much for your help and yes I will certainly love the information you have offered as I am in such a stressful mess having being forced to go into j.s.a. I can't thank you enough. xxx

Chanpreet_Walia profile image
Chanpreet_WaliaLUPUS UK in reply to Mandypandy1969

You are most welcome!

Please email me at chanpreet@lupusuk.org.uk, I will send you the information as soon as possible. I am in the office from Mondays to Wednesdays.

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