Hi all, in a flare and been trying to get prednisolone from my RA for 5 days now. messages, letter and went in personally but they said the GP has to prescribe it. Went to GP and they insist it has to be from the RA. Am stuck in what appears to be NHS politics or something...shunted from pillar to post went you can hardly move due to pains is very hard to bear. The GP (locum) said he could not prescribe it as it was not his area of expertise! I have had RA for over a year and 4 or 5 flares...I know how many tabs work and how to wean myself off too. To call me in for an appointment to tell me that was so stupid. I feel totally let down the RAs nurse is never available. GP on hol and others not helpful. Even offered to pay for meds myself but was told I had to have a private RA prescription. NHS has gone gown so bad that patient's care seems least important. Now really desperate. Has anyone used pushdoctor? Online service or ordered prednisolone online? No way I can make it to 111. Am 62 and alone. Literally have no one to call or ask for help from.
Online ordering seems the only quickest and easiest option.
Will try that first and also pushdoctor to join when I can function again (i hope) ...let me know please if anyone has had any experience with these...sorry if not clear..am in too much pain to think and to type. Xx