Went driving today in the rain . He asked if anything I wanted to look at . I said then manoeuvres . So we looked at the left reverse and parallel parking. I'm still not confident with them yet . Apart from that driving was good again
26th driving lesson : Went driving today in the... - LUPUS UK
26th driving lesson

Well done LouLamb
Keep it going nearly there now.
Loulambe - Good you did some driving in the rain, those 2 manoeuvres were bad for me and I've been driving for 40 years. I hated doing them for my lessons prior to my medical assessment last year.
The thing is not to get too hung up on them, it's only a small part of the test, you've done the rain, so that's progress!
Keep going, not long now.
Hi loulamb
Well done with driving in the rain. It took me a long time to master the maneovres and as you rightly say it's practice!.
Are you back at work soon?. Hope you sort out your holiday time for oct. Good luck. X
Back at work today . The early morning starts x
Back to earth isn't it Loulamb. Hope it went well. X
It's was alright it's 2 days of training . Can't wait for the children to come back Monday 😀. Bonus as well my Aunty came and picked me up and tomorrow she's gonna give me a lift into work . So I haven't been to tired as I haven't had to do the afternoon walk up to the bus stop . Tomorrow I'll do it home but it's FRIDAY !!
Your doing such a great job coping with a difficult illness and living your life Loulamb. Your such an inspiration and enjoy next week with the kids back. X
Thank you! I've only got 2 months left out of a 14 month apprenticeship it's gone so fast x
I can't believe that either Loulamb. It's flown by. Fingers crossed they take you on if you want it!. Been really good work experience for you. X
I hope so to , if not I got 2 back up plans in my thoughts x
Good to hear! Can't believe you've been there nearly 14 months! Wow!