Info: For those who are having problems getting P... - LUPUS UK


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Info: For those who are having problems getting Plaquenil because it has been de-branded by Sanofi.

willowwag profile image
15 Replies

Hi all, Today I phoned my consultant to inform them of the problem getting my Plaquinel from the pharmacy due to Sanofi de-branding it. My consultant said didnt even know and told me to go straight to GP so to be armed and ready with all my information i contacted SANOFI whos sister company ZENTIVA are producing the same formula. When you contact you GP Zentiva have told me the following.


The product code for the product is what they call a pip number as is 1201730 this will make it easier for the pharmacy if they have any problems finding it.

If for any reason they can not get the product on their system they can ring the customer service line on 01483- 505515.

Hope this helps its crazy to think if it wasn't for Lupus Uk we wouldnt know about this change, as most consultants still don't know.

Mia x

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willowwag profile image
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15 Replies
61Annie profile image

Well done you ! You have helped so many people with your information. This should have been made public. Thank you

willowwag profile image
willowwag in reply to 61Annie

It was so stressfull finding out that plaqinel has been de-branded felt really left in the dark to what I should now be asking the pharmacy for. I explained to Zentiva that I cant take the generic quinoric due to allergic reaction, and they confirmed that these are the closest. We strugle when new drugs are added to our mix and having something change starts me freting. I hope the information will help ease some worry about the change. I was amazed that my lupus team was not aware untill i informed them and then they looked it up and said (ohhh this is going to be problem) . .. Ummmm yes as you havent told me and my plaquinel is running out.

Paul_Howard profile image
Paul_HowardPartnerLUPUS UK

Thank you for providing the community with this additional information. We've added it to the article on our website -

willowwag profile image
willowwag in reply to Paul_Howard

Thank you Paul. I hopefully it will take alot of worry away about the change in medication.

Petrof profile image

Thank you so much for this very useful information.

mcjm profile image

Thank you foe this useful info.

loopy-lou profile image

I have spoken to my pharmacist and GP about this change over the last week. I understood from my pharmacist that they will have to get Hydroxychloroquine Zentiva in by special order and that could take up to three weeks. I wanted to mention this in-case it may be general so may be worth looking into. The other problem I have had (and I don't fully understand it) is my GP said being generic it will not show up on my notes as Hydroxychloroquine Zentiva? I had Plaquenil previously on my repeat list. I have asked my GP to fax a prescription through to the pharmacy so hopefully they can get it in. Again, I am another who cannot tolerate quinoric. We must exchange views on how we find this new brand when we start taking it. I am concerned and have also been stressed by this.

willowwag profile image

Hi lupy your gp will need to put ZENTIVA where they used to state sanofi brand to make sure when your script goes over to the pharmacey they give you the right one. My gp said unless zentiva is stated the pharmacey will just go with the less expensive version quinoric, so this is a massive must that the gp must state ZENTIVA. X

loopy-lou profile image
loopy-lou in reply to willowwag

Hi Willowag, Thank you - I went in to see the pharmacist about a week ago, spoke to my GP on the phone, then rang the pharmacist today to make sure it has been ordered - it has. Just hope they get it right as I have repeatedly said Zentiva. Luckily I have enough Plaquenil left for about 5 weeks. They know I cannot take Quinoric. I just hope the right thing turns up. I am hopeful it will as the pharmacist said they have quinoric and I think he mentioned anothe brand they keep in stock, Black Rock - which I will not take. Have you started taking Zentiva yet - hope it is ok x

willowwag profile image

Im calling pharmacy today to see iv its arrived for me. Fair play my gp took the percriptuon the the pharmacy herself but the pharmacey had already started the ordering i have to ring the gp today as shes going over to maks sure what has come back is correct. Keep you posted x

Karula profile image

Hi Willowwag

Thanks for all the info. I too use Sanofi. I have passed all the info on to my Rheumatology consultant and all the other cons in Rheumatology as they hadn't heard a thing about it. I have also passed it to our pharmacy at work as they only stocked Sanofi. They are all grateful for the info, as am i. I have two months of my supply at the moment so now just need to inform my GP. Thanks again.


willowwag profile image

Hi all my lovely lupus pals,

Great news just picked up my zentiva up from the pharmacy lol seems strange calling it that, but its all correct. Im going to start them sunday. As i have enough plaquinel to last to then. So will let you know how I go on them. Im so glad I called Sanofi and fair play to them they were lovely on the phone and so helpfull..when your stuck with lupus like us when someone goes out their way to try and help I really appreciate it.

If anyone needs any information from the packet or inside just let me know and i will type all the info for you all. Sending you all best wishes xx Mia

loopy-lou profile image

It's great you have got your Zentiva (does sound odd saying a different name). Let us know how you find taking them. Mine haven't come in yet and I have enough Plaquenil for a while. Good Luck x

willowwag profile image

Will do loopy, must say i totaly agree when you said its started to stress you, I was the same just didnt know where to start to try and sort this out, when do you pick yours up.

willowwag profile image

Hi all just to let you know been taking the new zentiva hydroxychloriquine and its the same as our old plaquinel, was taking plaquinel for 4 years and for me I dont notice any difference im allergic to the quinoric and other generic brands so im so happy i called SANOFI.. To find the replacement week 1 done on the zentiva and i find it the same even the box and tablets look like our old planquinel. X

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