Im starting an apprenticeship for childcare at level 2 and I stuggle with exhaustion however I want to do some studies and I need advice on whay anyone does to maintain thier work or and studies that they do in order to not bring on a worse part of illness please help!!
How do you cope with illness and working? - LUPUS UK
How do you cope with illness and working?

I think that's a difficult one to answer as everyone is so different and has varying levels of fatigue at different times depending on disease activity and other reasons.
I gave up full time work due to a combination of stress/fatigue and it's the best thing I ever did. Now I work 24 hours per week, sometimes more, and am really well as a result. I have the energy left over to exercise and get on with my life outside work. When I worked full time it used up all my energy and when I got home I just wanted to ho to bed.
I think you have to find what works for you and not beat yourself up if you can't manage everything you aspire to do. Also don't rule out everything for ever. You might not manage XYZ now, but in time you may improve and manage these things.
Im starting a level 2 childcare apprenticeship working with 2-4 year olds it could be from 9-5 over 4 days and one day at college so I cannot tell what will be too much until I go thier
I can completely sympathise with you. I was working full time, but couldn't cope with the hours it was simply too much. I found that I was picking up everything going bug wise and have been generally unwell with one thing and another for 8 months now. I am due to start back work next week on reduced hours as per my doctor, no more than 4 hours a day. My advice would be to tread carefully. I commend you for your determination, every one is different and it's very possible you can do this. Goodluck to you. Stay well. If you was to start feeling it was too much let someone know rather than struggling alone x
I would advise pacing yourself. Only you know when you've done enough, don't push yourself too far Gail, know your limits and lots of luck with the course, hope all goes well for you xxx Might be worth talking to your tutors about things so they know about the problems
My daughter has the same problem with fatigue. She works in a nursery and is studying for a degree. I think you have to be honest from the start with tutors and employers. Get plenty of rest when not working and early bed times. I know it sounds boring for a young person but you have to know your limits. Best of luck to you
I worked full-time for 26 years plus traveling. I had to give it up as it was to much for me. I got a job through Cornerstone an employment disability officer. I got a job in care home as a kitchen assistant, and do 14 hours a week. Have done for 3 years now. I'm 51 years old had lupus since age 14. I asked my doctor if I could get early retirement. But he thinks if you can pick up a phone I wouldn't be eligible. So it looks like we have to struggle with pains fatigue till we drop.