Hydroxycloquine, remember only take before 60 yea... - LUPUS UK


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Hydroxycloquine, remember only take before 60 years of age.

kimc profile image
9 Replies

I read once that if you're taking Hydroxycloquine, when you turn 60 years of age, you need to change to different medication due to significant sign affects to older age. Is anyone know exactly why?

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kimc profile image
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9 Replies
Chapter profile image

No! I haven't, dig deeper and let us know.

kimc profile image
kimc in reply to Chapter

When I mentioned to my Rheumy last visit, she told me by then she would give me different medication to replace Hydroxycloquine. So, I hope some of us know about this.

Chapter profile image
Chapter in reply to kimc

I have taken a quick look around the internet and the reason the age of sixty is mentioned is for long term use and higher dosage than most of us would be getting, and the issue would be with our eyes. What I read was that regular eye checkups are recommended, which we are aware of, well doctor is suppose to make you aware when prescribing anyway. So if you have been on Plaquenil long term and haven't had eyes checked then now is time to do it.

Thanks for heads up kimc

kimc profile image

I started taking hydroxyclo less than a year, when I diagnosed skin lupus, I'd seen an opmatologist six months after taking this pill. Result was 20/20 and suppose come back every a year, of course if any symptom occurred I can always get a check up sooner. You know most of lupus can controlled, but get side affects from medication. And hope we find the cure in the near future. Thanks Chapter :)

Carcrashgal profile image

Yes, the eyes are the answer: a long time ago it was thought quinine caused a particular eye problem (sorry; brain fade and cannot remember what it is), and annual opthalmic checks were insisted on, but it cost a lot of money and actually, caught *very* few cases. But that's where that advice comes from. I think these days opticians are generally well trained at looking out for possible drug- or disease-related eyed problems ( and the equipment's much better than it was then, which makes it easier). But if you are worried, discuss with your rheumy (most GPs are apparently unlikely to know; when I asked a similar question he wrote to rheumy himself).

cathie profile image

Is it to do with eyesight - link to macular degeneration?

kiwigal profile image

I have been on it for 15 years and I'm 54. For the past three years I have had to see an opthamologist and get my eyes checked. It is reassuring that I am under there strict observation but he did say to me that in all his years as an eye specialist he has never actually diagnosed anyone with retinal damage from plaquenil. That was very reassuring. Just had this years check and all ok.

I told him I thought something was wrong because my sight was going (I have always had 20/20 vision) he laughed and laughed. He said 'you are getting old and buy yourself some cheap glasses from the chemist for reading'.

mariearmstrong profile image

Hi, thanks for that. I'm 51 and just started taking it. Chapter One-I was 5 years shunned and abused by doctors, then when they acknowledged my condition (20 years ago) they didn't push drugs, mainly because I don't think they had a lot of clinical stuff to back them up. Chapter Two- I put myself into remission over the period of next 10 years after that. I was still young and determined. Chapter Three- Menopause came along, and hell broke loose. I spent 5 years trying to 'put' myself into remission again. It didn't really work for me so I tolerated Lupus symptoms for 3 more years until I had to be hospitalized. So here I am a 30 year Lupus vet,....first time on drugs LOL. When I realized what the hospital and high dosages, and doctors respect (and obviously more knowledge than 15 years ago) and more knowledge, confidence and scheduling did for me, I felt comfortable going on the drugs and now taking them religiously. I also keep a diary of they meds (I'm a little anal that way, but it also keeps me involved with it to a point where I feel I have some control at least) I recommend this to anyone who feels they need to add some control to their input.

So my first month on steroids, felt great, and they introduced Plaquenil to me 3 weeks ago. Not feeling too great since then. I think I'm getting an ugly "MOON" face from the steroids, which is lovely, but Ill just have to tolerate that one for a while. I'm scheduled to be weaned off steroids in about a month or so. My big question is: I know I have to be on the Plaquenil for a period to find out if it works for me... How will I know its not working for me if I already have reservations about it? Since taking it (and weaning off steroids at the same time) My Lupus returns. 4 weeks ago in the hospital I felt like a super human. I liked that feeling!!!! LOTS!!!!!!!!!!! So now I call this chapter 4- Having felt normal and fantastic for two weeks, then starting the long haul of trying out drugs and facing Lupus symptoms again. I think I got a book here.

mariearmstrong profile image

I also got fuzzy eyesight and a 'random' black swollen eye this week, could it be from the new Plaquenil?

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