Me again does anybody with an autoimmune disease ... - LUPUS UK
Me again does anybody with an autoimmune disease suffer from a bad stomach and wind after a flare any answers would be appreciated thanks

I have low end Lupus and a really bad stomach. I can't digest food anymore or feel hunger. Unless I don't eat for a long time. I can skip meals because I don't feel hungry. Sometimes I get really bloaty and uncomfortable after eating dinner even with a digestive enzyme and probiotic. I go to bed if I an really uncomfortable. Not sure who to see for it. I may have a hiatal hernia. My brother who has lupus does. Not sure which doc to see for that. Nothing can really be done for a hiatal hernia anyway. Sometimes I don't want to know what else is wrong.
Hi Natura
You would see a Gastroenterologist for stomach problems like a hiatus hernia. I've got one and it's very successfully treated with drugs like omeprazole . I understand how you feel about having something else but sometimes it's worth it to get the right treatment and benefit!X
What does omeprazole do? I would much rather find a natural alternative. Not interested in drugs. Last gastro I went to 10 years ago yelled at me because I was in my 40s and he didn't think I need an upper GI even though my GP asked for it...what an as$&$@. Left feeling degraded and a hypochondriac. Gave me something to take for 3 months which was later taken off the market as bad for you.....nice...
Hi Natura
Omeprazole is a drug called a Proton Pump Inhibitor that reduces acid in your stomach and so stops wind, burping, acid reflux that can be caused by a hiatus hernia or the drugs we take. Your high dose of aspirin could be causing your problems!. X
hello ladies i have ibs and sometime i dont eat for days and look like im 7months pregnant but then other days im on the toilet for hours , but neither of you have mentioned if your on omperazole i have to take that as i have acid reflux (common in lupus ) less severe as hiatasus hernia and the bloaty and uncomftortableness has gone , i used to eat one spoonful of weetabix and be full up not i eat 2 whole weatabix im no dr so i would get urselfs checked out ... i have the camara up and down but at least i know wot it is and no more worrying, just worry about something else lol good luck
I've spent a year and a half benign investigated for crohns. I've passed so much blood and gone ten plus times a day and been hospitalised twice. I've just found out I have SSd and my gastro has immediately said SIBO (small bowel bacterial overgrowth). There's a simple breath test for this: ask for it. Xx
Short answer: yes! Longer one: many gut and bowel symptoms, which I think are - in part - linked to Lupus and Hughes Syndrome. But not yet found a specialist who looks at things in a more joined-up fashion. Also have a hiatus hernia, which plays a large role too I think. What's helped? Probiotics, to some extent; adjusting my diet (I've found stopping gluten and dairy to be very helpful in reducing what was a constant problem to episodes); and now Omeprazole as I require it.
Im always getting bad wind both types not nice at all. I take coppermine once a week to stop it now, it works, some foods can make it worse like spicy stuf and some acids as well ie tomatoes..
Although I have an autoimmune problem I have not been diagnosed with lupus only by symptoms, but gut problems were the worst symptoms at the start for me and I cope with them by changing my diet - no grains, dairy, yeast, additives or preservatives. I think I would die without bananas because when I have a flare they are the only foods that help. Running to the toilet can be as bad as not going at all, but slowly my body usually balances itself up with rest and eating only when hungry. I try to do that anyway, but when busy and not concentrating or muscle testing I tend to eat what I feel I want when in fact it isn't what my body wants and a flare can happen.
I don't feel hungry or thirsty just ill when I am hungry or thirsty or even if I need to wee. When I muscle test what is causing the ill feeling, I find out, sort it and feel better - odd life!
Hi cann these diseases r a pain they never stop springing different symptoms at u got rheumatologist app on May 9th hopefully he can get to the bottom of things as I think drs are very limited with what they can give u (steroids etc) thank u for your input Alan
I've been a multiple autoimmune patient since I was 22. I'm 57 now. Take your tummy meds!! I had a vagotomy and gastrectomy 18 years ago due to my body producing too much gastric acid and from damage from NSAID's and prednisone. But I survived, I take both a proton pump inhibitor, as well as a coating drug for my tummy everyday. I have RA as well as Lupus and Fibro, but I'm still standing
Hi interesting post I have irritable bowel as I go into a flare.