Help!!: Had 8 miscarriages before it was found. Am... - LUPUS UK


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Angandmia01 profile image
8 Replies

Had 8 miscarriages before it was found. Am sore n fed up!!! Any help ?! Xx

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Angandmia01 profile image
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8 Replies
MaryF profile image

Sorry about your situation, please make sure they also check you for Hughes Syndrome, some people with Lupus also have this, also known as APS. People with a history of Hughes/APS often have multiple miscarriages. MaryF x

Angandmia01 profile image

Thank you. Just in so much much pain and feel hopeless about the whole situation xx

Mainshah profile image

I had one miscarriage just befor lupus and 4 weeks later was diagnosed, just the one miscarriage shattered my world. So I can imagine what ur going through.

madmagz profile image

Hi I had suspected miscarriages - the pregnances were not confirmed before I had the bleeds and got taken in to hospital these were over twenty years ago, I then went on to have two very healthy children who became my carers and I don't know how I would have managed without them sometimes they are now twenty and twenty two - the youngest will be celebrating her twenty first birthday in a few weeks. After having her I was advised to have a sterilisation by the docs which I did.

Good luck I sincerely hope that you manage to become a parent my children have been a Godsend to me

Madmagz x

MrsNewfy profile image

One low dose(75mg)Aspirin daily helps counteract/minimise the effects of Lupus sticky blood syndrome which in those affected can help avoid miscarriage.

Shann07 profile image

Im so sorry for your losses i think noone can really understand what you are feeling unless they have suffered a miscarriage too. I know that feeling I lost my first and second baby boys at 27 weeks because lupus and APS was undiagnosed. The first time it happened i was beyond devastated all my hopes and dreams of being a mummy were shattered. Everywhere i looked were happy new mums i was so depressed and even thought my husband would leave me because i couldn't give him a child. I had some counselling which really helped me heal and done my research with a fantastic obstetrician who specialised in high risk pregnancy (i almost died during my first pregnancy, organ failure). I went for it again a couple of years later, my gp advised me to have a termination as my life was so high risk and my family were petrified i was pregnant again. My obs gave me a 50/50 chance that me & the baby would survive. Petrified i went ahead, i took aspirin and daily clexane injections plus i was seen every week. Had loads bloods done for liver, kidney functions and APS. The pregnancies were very high risk but so worth it I now have 2 healthy children, even though my drs told me to never ever have children i sourced out all my options and took a risk. My obstetrician was an amazing person who dedicated his time to me night and day i owe him my life. (He saved my life with first pregnancy)I guess I'm saying i know you feel it will never happen but give yourself time to heal and do your research, lupus pregnancies are more and more common and can be very successful. I hope my experience gives you some hope that even though i was told by several drs no more babies i just couldn't accept that and was determined to risk my life to be a mum, for me i made the right choice. I hope you achieve your dreams too, never gave up hope xx.

Lynn27 profile image

Have you seen the piece in the daily mail where a woman had 18 miscarriage and lost 2 at 5 mths she was put hydroxicolaquine to suppress immune system

Cann profile image

So sorry.

The only pregnancy that was a success for me was for my daughter and I had to stay in bed for most of the pregnancy.

My Mum cooked all the meals and brought them round or my husband fetched them.

The doctor told me to forget I was pregnant and rest - not to get out of bed for anything other than the toilet.

This was the third attempt; I lost one at 13 weeks and one at 15 weeks.

For my daughter, I started bleeding at 8 weeks and never thought I would have a healthy baby at the end, but she only had a navel hernia when she was born that was righted as she grew by dancing and exercise.

I thought I would be OK if I got pregnant again after my daughter, but went on to lose twins when she was 5.

There was no way I could stay in bed with having to look after her; it wouldn't be fair on my mother either to expect her to do it all again. We decided we were lucky to have one healthy child and didn't try for any more. I know I would not have had her if I had not rested.

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