Painful Sore skin/muscles? I cant seem to touch m... - LUPUS UK


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Painful Sore skin/muscles? I cant seem to touch my skin ... and im now having problems writing ..

Elle-26 profile image
22 Replies

For over a week now Ive had very sore skin and it seems I cant touch a lot of areas without pain ... Ive also noticed that my cognitive skills are deteriorating ... I am more and more prone to mixing my letters in words ( like dyslexia) ... it takes me a long time to type out anything and have to go slowly and concentrate more :( Its scaring me .. as Ive always studied at Degree level ... Does anyone know anything to help me?? Should I bring this up with my GP?? He seems rushed to listen .. I feel awful and painkillers are not helping :( -x-

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Elle-26 profile image
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22 Replies
tremarel profile image

Sounds like you got fibromyalgia Elle . Fibro is so painful it just hurts to touch any part of your body. I find mine is worse with a change in weather patterns. I find the bed hurts me also the clothes I wear. There is no way I can wear tight clothes anymore. Do you have lupus as well because most lupus patients get fibro. Also you can have other auto immune diseases come along. Chin up Elle all sent to try. Hope you get some relief soon x

saranne profile image

I have fibro and lupus and have experienced what you describe. The lupus medications help with some pains but nothing totally removes the pain on even lightly pressing muscles. I was prescribed amitripyline at night, to help sleep and block the sensation of pain, although it is an antidepressant I am using it for pain. I may have been even worse without it!! So may be worth trying Good luck

Elle-26 profile image

Thank you all so much for your replies :) Im still in pain and am on Amitriptyline at night, also on Codeine/Paracetamol ... along with Quinoric for my Lupus ... Seeing GP tomorrow as my stomach has bloated out and painful along with what maybe fibro ... I feel im falling apart at mo ... got restless leg which isnt helping with my joints. Just takes so long to see anyone .. :( Just feel like screaming ... Im sure many of you have had the same feeling ... I'll let you know what the GP says tomorrow ... takes me a while to type now ... Xxx

sm546 profile image
sm546 in reply to Elle-26

Hi I know this is a strange question but do you sleep with a memory foam mattress? I have had similar issues which started around the time I purchased my bed. theres lots of forums alerting people to the health issues of these products.

SassyZee profile image
SassyZee in reply to sm546

HI SM546, I was reading all the post cause lately both my arm muscles have been hurting bad to the touch. But saw you mentioned memory foam mattress. I bought one several years ago paid 1,000 for it an sold it for 100.00. Cause it aggervated my aches an pains so much. After buying 2 other mattress i finally purchased a numbers mattress. The numbers mattress is the best bed ever for ppl I believe with aches an pains in there bodies. Mainly i think cause we choose the level of firmness or softness. I purchased the least expensive mattress.. it still does the job lol. I purchased recently a bamboo mattress topper couple weeks ago along with the pillow. They have helped with my body temperature in my whole body. I use to wake up several times a night due to being so hot. Walmart carries the pillows along with the toppers.

Just wanted to share that there is a bed out there that is better for people with pain such as fibromyalgia, lupus or all the forms of arthritis..

saranne profile image

Just one more thought... you are taking Quinoric which several people on here have said caused them problems and that Plaquenil which is another hydroxychloroquine is a better choice and is the one usually prescribed. May worth mentioning to GP, good luck with appointment. Do you also see a rhuematologist ? may have more knowledge than GP!

Elle-26 profile image

Ive inflammation on the lower spine, hips, neck and shoulders and muscle/skin being sore and tender could be connected (is this a Systemic problem in Lupus?) ... GP wont commit to a diagnosis .. put me on tramadol .. He has passed the buck to the Rheumatologist who im seeing on the 19th for the first time ... so its a waiting game now to get any proper diagnosis ... My walking is getting to be a problem ..:( As for the cognitive problems the gP has put it down to the medication .. least he didnt roll his eyes .. lol -x-

anbuma profile image

read that skin complaints are nto a symptom of fibro but are of lupus.i have sores all over my knuckles.

Elle-26 profile image
Elle-26 in reply to anbuma

Hi anbuma, thank you for your reply -x- Yes Ive Discoid Erythematous Lupus too .. I get them on my toes as well. Also when a flare arises, I get a type of butterfly rash on my face.. but Im also suffering from painful joints and muscles, drooping eyelids etc .. had MRI today ... so hopefully find out whats going on .. May have Osteo?, fibromyalgia? & Lupus ... I know I have Lupus but all the other symptoms could be connected or not connected (secondary) will not know until tests are back and see the Rheumatologist this month xxx

anbuma profile image
anbuma in reply to Elle-26

i saw a rheumatologist last nov but was completely useless.failed to listen to me when I told him symptoms and cut me off mid flow to go on about losing weight and dismissing me when i told him I cant diet as don't eat anything.have asked dr for another ref to a different hospital/ consultant.i too have all the things you have .ie dismiss symptoms of lupus and thyroid.

Elle-26 profile image

Hi anbuma ... so sorry to hear your plight and frustration .... My GP seems sympathetic however it wasnt him that referred me to the Rheumatologist .. it was my Dermatologist that referred me ... she has seen my eye muscle droop and has treated me with steroids ... however now the drooping is starting again .. so the rheuma cant dismiss it ... my scalp/ head has inflammation and where my eyebrows once were .. In the Rheumatologist letter to my GP he writes that he is going to devise a "management plan" so what the Dermatologist has reported he is taking note .... I cry everyday wishing all this was a bad dream ... I dont recognise myself .. Ive even thought is it all in my head this pain? because symptoms are constantly arising :( I dont know anymore ... I know months ago my Thyroid test came back negative but so did my test for Anemia ... yet weeks later Im Anemic again! ... Ive tested negative to an ANA test but that was months ago when I started to loose my hair .. Ive lost most of it now ... To get a diagnosis I put myself in a position to cause a flare .. it was only then I had a biopsy .. which diagnosed the Discoid Lupus and Photosensitivity .. But I realised that working under energy lighting and out in the sun caused my hair loss to increase .. to late now :( Same with my drooping eyelid .. soon as Im out driving and sun is out ... thats it .. it all comes back ...

Really hope you see another Rheumatologist... or another GP ... I wish GP's in general were clued up on Autoimmune Disorders .. Such a long drawn out process for a diagnosis ... in the mean time we suffer -x-

Really hope that you get some help and relief -x-

anbuma profile image

hi there dr couldn't have got my message.he never mentioned it at my last appt.

don't know whether to go back again cos both legs swollen now.sign of something else.

SassyZee profile image
SassyZee in reply to anbuma

HI anbuma, My legs have been swollen for 2 weeks not i was 240 lbs now i'm 275 with the water retention. Water pills haven't helped me but I'm going to a Urologist hopefully he can help me. I can barely walk cause the water retention causes so much more pain for me. I use to have a RA specialist an he didn't do anything to help me, he thought I had lupus but it never showed up in the test but i have all the symptoms. another dr. who was my fave Neuro thought i had polymyositis an referred me to get a biopsy but that hospital screwed up so that never happened. He did have me on Metanx for my neuropathy in my feet an legs for a year .. he would listen to everything I said. But he left his practice went to another hospital but he only stayed there 2 months so i could never get back in to see him. It is so hard to find a Dr. who really listens to us about our aches an pains.

Elle-26 profile image

Yes, I would go back anbuma ... Swelling of the legs could be anything and more importantly it could be something serious. I wouldnt hesitate. I kept putting my symptoms off before and I wont do it again .. Im not putting myself at risk ... its our health not the Dr's, they do not have to live with it.. but you do. Everytime you see your Dr it has to be logged and so does your symptoms .. in the end it will all add up and you will stand a better chance to getting a diagnosis ... let me know how it all goes ... dont put it off as it may well go down and then come back worse .. Take care and make that phone call xxx

anbuma profile image
anbuma in reply to Elle-26

thanks Elle-26,i was thinking at 2 am this morning I should go back to own gp has no appointments til end of November.can see the woman dr I have seen on a few occasions .read that swelling could be related to O.cysts.hopes its ok with you if I print off your replies to show my gp.- they don't like me going on here but need answers

appointment booked fro Monday 11th.

Greenmeadow profile image

I'm having trouble with my skin too. It aches even if I'm not touching it.

I had a myriad of odd symptoms and many (quivering eyes, facial tics, mood issues, fatigue) were addressed when I took magnesium supplements. But you can have too much magnesium also (if you are supplementing) and now I never know if my problems relate to too little or too much. Neither my doctor nor my naturopath seem to be able to guide me beyond trial and error.

All this to say that if you haven't tried a magnesium supplement and you feel like trying a bit for the skin problems, I'd be interested in knowing if it helps.

Purpletop profile image
Purpletop in reply to Greenmeadow

What medication are you on? Mycophenolate mofetil (CellCept) can cause muscle twitching and even fatigue.

Elle-26 profile image
Elle-26 in reply to Purpletop

Thank you Purpletop, Im now on Gabapentin, amitriptyline and Duloxetine too. Ive been diagnosed with having Fibromyalgia as a secondary symptom. Rhuma said that Fibro causes fatigue as with my Lupus and brain fog which has become one of the worst symptoms along with being drained and fatigued -x-

Mrs-h profile image

Hi my name is Mrs. h I am too have pain to where I cant touch certain parts of my body cause it hurts so much I took some tyenol extra strength but that only lasted for bout $ hours and I was back in pain again I can not get any sleep due to the pains that I have sometime I wish that this should not happen to me or anybody else. Why I can even fix my hair ad with the dark spots in my face I feel very ugly and I cry a lot especially when I am by myself

Mrs-h profile image

Hi my name is Mrs. h I am too have pain to where I cant touch certain parts of my body cause it hurts so much I took some tyenol extra strength but that only lasted for bout $ hours and I was back in pain again I can not get any sleep due to the pains that I have sometime I wish that this should not happen to me or anybody else. Why I can even fix my hair ad with the dark spots in my face I feel very ugly and I cry a lot especially when I am by myself

in reply to Mrs-h

I'm the same everything is hurting me right now, my skin hurts everywhere, my muscles as well, the skull bone is deteriorating, arthritis like pain, I am also severely depressed. I have an appointment with the oncologist on Monday but Monday can't come soon enough. My son says I've been saying I'm dying since 2009 when I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia but they weren't sure if it was Lupus or Fibromyalgia. They say I have white spots up and down my spine and they say it's hemangiomas, I mean who gets hemangiomas on the spine I've only heard of them being on the skin. Thanks for listening if anybody has any ideas of what this could be please let me know.

Pinkfrog14 profile image
Pinkfrog14 in reply to

I have a heamangioma on my spine meaning I have to live with scoleosis as they can't operate incase it bleeds

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