Hello, I just discovered this forum via reading someone’s post about their lacy red rash on their legs. I’ve been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, chronic venous insufficiency, Raynaud’s (primary) & UCTD (undifferentiated connective tissue disease) with a positive ANA, among other issues & symptoms.
All the replies to this other person’s post focused on sun exposure as the cause of the lacy red rash, but I disagree.
I too have sun sensitivity, where I get a rash/burn similar to malar, but more like raccoon & the front/sides of my neck. Sometimes the burns are so bad I’ve gotten blisters, but the skin always peels off in little bits (not like with a sunburn). I realize this will sound odd, but it feels as if my skin is burning from the inside-out. I’ve even had an episode that happened while I was at the gym one morning, which leads me to believe it’s triggered more by sweat than UV, or maybe a combination of both.
This burn then leads to intense photosensitivity, where I have to draw the blinds during the day, as any sunlight burns my skin intensely. (Again, not a burn like a typical sunburn, but painful *underneath* my skin). It usually takes 4-7 days before the photosensitivity lessens & the burns begin to heal. The burns are incredibly painful, my skin feels very tight, raw & tender.
I also however get this bright red lacy netting-type rash on my legs and arms, but I don’t believe it’s from UV exposure, it’s from the *heat*. When I first started getting these rashes, it was from being in the sauna, not the sun. It happens periodically when I’m outside as well (usually when my legs are covered with pants), but it’s from the heat, not the UV exposure. It only happens when the heat gets intense (only when I’m sitting in the heat, not if I’m walking around).
The dermatologist I waited for months to see gave me no answers. My lacy rash doesn’t actually hurt or itch like others have mentioned. It usually goes away within 30 minutes & leaves no lasting marks.
It does look like the photos I’ve seen online of livedo reticularis. The part that confuses me though, is mine is definitely ONLY caused by heat. It says livedo reticularis is caused by cold & resolves with heat.
I’ve attached photos in hopes that someone else may know what these two different rashes are, and if they’re related. I’m a believer in natural treatments, so if anyone has any recommendations, I’m definitely interested. Thanks for reading
(It seems to be allowing me to only upload one photo. I’ll see about adding additional ones