I have just turned 41 and have experienced a very rapid and rather early onset of menopause. We've skipped perimenopause and just gone the full monty, in the space of 3 months.
The short version is this:
Diagnosed with SLE at 22yo. Joints, malar rash, vasculitis, pleurisy. In 2011 the kidneys decided to join the party and I found I had Class IV (with crescents) Lupus Nephritis. Also discovered that I am allergic to Mycophenolate so...
...two cycles of 3 months each of cyclophosphamide, 2 yrs on Tacrolimus and 5 months of methotrexate, Iand finally I am sort of in remission. I remain on Plaquinel and 5mg of Pred, with occasional pulse doses of methylprednisone.
During this time I developed cervical cancer and severe problems related to endometriosis/ adenomyosis. Four surgeries, one perforated uterus followed by repeated and rapid return of cancer resulted in a radical hysterectomy in Feb 2017. Ovaries preserved.
But my poor ovaries seem to have given up the ghost. Had my hormones tested after some weird symptoms including gaining 8kgs (a huge amount of weight on my very small frame, normal weight is about 46kg. I stand 5ft in socks) in the space of 10 weeks.
My GP and Nephrologist both tell me that Oestrogen-only HRT is going to be the best option for me, holistically (they both happen to be women...) meanwhile the immunologist says that it will probably send me into a mild to moderate flare with a possible increase of SLE of 10-25% per year.
What does this even mean???
I would be so grateful to hear from anyone who has dealt with HRT and SLE. Has it helped? Made it worse? Better?
Thank you <3