I'm 99% sure I have lupus but have no idea how to get diagnosed (and have no health insurance).
I've had blood work done over the last 6 years and the results show a infection and inflammation of the organs (The C Reactive protein normal range is 0-4.9. Mine is 28.2)
2-3 times a year I have flare ups that show like an extreme case of the flu and knock me down for a week. Antibiotics do nothing. Steroids do nothing.
The only thing that has helped is building my immune system using blood/urine/GI/hair/hormone tests to customize a regiment of vitamins/minerals/supplements for my body (which a certified nutritionist did).
The local hospital system in town sent me to the infectious disease department who in turn rejected me. I am SO tired of dealing with people who won't take me seriously. I look fine most of the time. I can work out (did CrossFit for 2 years), work an office job, and look completely normal. But then I crash really hard really fast and it takes months to get my strength back.
Recently when I get out of bed my body aches. Like I just workout. But I haven't done a workout since this summer. My ankles and knees hurt. If I sit at work for more then 30 minutes I'm stiff and sore.
Does this sound familiar? Any suggestions? I know this is an autoimmune thing. I just don't know how to get it diagnosed and treated.
Thank you!