I'm fell on my patio and hit my head on the cement last Saturday. Because I'm on warfarin it ended up with a brain bleed. Now Thank God it resolved on its own without surgery. In have a major concussion and double vision (stacked not side by side. While in the hospital the team is was working with agreed that it most likely have APS in addition to the Lupus and the Factor 5 Lieden thrombophelia. They gave me vitamin K and have stopped my Warfarin. Now I'm terrified of getting a clot. I have to see my hematologist in a week and he will determine when it's safe to restart the Warfarin. He will also test for APS. it's not even safe to bridge with anything. Has anyone been through this? They said it's unlikely in would get a clot in a week, but if i do have Hughes doesn't that make it more likely. I'm would like to ask for everyone's prayers that is do not get a clot and that when it do start back on Warfarin that is don't have any issues with bleeding in the brain. I'm scared out of my wits here. Any advice or words of comfort?
NOT DOING WELL AT ALL: I'm fell on my... - LUpus Patients Un...
I am very sorry to read about your accident. It is a trauma and you are understandably anxious. As I am not a medical doctor, I cannot give you any medical reassurance. Having said that, blood thinning agents, especially warfarin, should still be "working". That is, your blood will be thin and not "sticky" which is how the blood is described in Hughes Syndrome. Of course, you will be worried, but the doctors do know and will not put you in any danger. Currently, it is a higher risk to continue with the warfarin. As the doctor said, a week is not a long time.If they were worried, you would have been given an immediate appointment. Many patients on warfarin have to stop in order to have an operation; the doctors have a great deal ofexperience.
The bleed in your brain was the result of a physical trauma, that is, it was not caused by Hughes or the warfarin. This is an important distinction and it was bad luck that this happened to you.
I know you are scared and this is the result of a traumatic experience, so it is understandable. If you want to talk some more, then please post again.
In the meanwhile, I wish you a speedy recovery.
With good wishes,
Hi Rhonda Last year I fell and hit my head on a wall rather different to you as I had surgery 2 and half months after the bump to wash out the bruins/ contusion from my brain
I just wanted to say take it day by day and if you are really un happy or have episodes when you are there but absent go see your specialist. I am sure they gave you a leaflet a`bout what to do if ! Happens Take great care please look after yourself best wishes Gins x