I am an sle patient,lupus nephritis,19yrs. I was diagnosed with it last year. Ever since then I have been on medication's like mycophelene mofetil,hydroxychloroquine,steroids..steroids was tapered from 70 mg to currently 12.5 mg. I was also under 6 cycles of cyclophosmide. It's been 6 months after the cyclophosmide. .but my hair still falls terribly..like clumps..pls help sort out this issue before I go completely bald.. in india, a girl of my age can't be bald.. people stare at u...They might speak behind ur backs telling.."ah.guess she is having cancer.." Pls help..what should I do for my hair..?Also I have put on excess weight due to steroids, severe stretch marks everywhere making my skin look like lizards..I feel terrible being in this situation. Pls help me..
I have also undergone 6 plasmapheresis as part of this lupus nephritis treatment ,had severe complications when excess fluid filled into my lungs,been in the ICU.