My heart breaks every time I see him. It is so hard to be positive as we have been told it is terminal. He is being so strong so I must be too but I just don't know what to expect and I feel so lonely even though I have an amazing family.
My husband has been diagnosed with lu... - The Roy Castle Lu...
My husband has been diagnosed with lung cancer which has spread to his bones. Having his first radiotherapy today. What side effects.

Hi Jackyann, I'm so sorry to hear about your husband. It is difficult to be brave, but we always feel a responsibility to protect those around us. Please use this forum as others will understand how you feel and you won't feel so alone.
For advice on radiotherapy look on our website questions
I hope this helps.
Best Wishes,
Hi Jackyann,
sorry to hear about your husband. I too have 'terminal' lung cancer stage 4. The word 'terminal' is often used to mean not curable, this does not mean not treatable! . I was diagnosed nearly 17 months ago now and everyday go from strength to strength. At the end of the day everyone is terminal and no one can put an expiry date on anyone so try not to look at it like that.
This is all very new to you, but please don't despair and try not to feel alone. There are many of us here who have been through the same and are still here to tell the tale. There are very successful treatment regimes available today that are on the whole successful. Take one day at a time a before you know it you'll be telling this to someone else months down the line.
Stay positive and enjoy your lives, that is one thing that survivors have in common.
Wishing you all the very best
Lyn x

Hi Lyn. Please keep posting to this forum, as you give support and hope to us all. Anne x
Of course :))) X
Hello Jackyann
I finished my radiotherapy treatment 6 weeks ago; I can only comment on my own experience, I had NO side effects until 3 weeks in to my treatment and the effects were mainly fatigue,indigestion, discomfort on swallowing, nausea - all are treatable and do go away! Try to take one day at a time; I was told this many times and have now taken that advice! Regards Jenny