Hello all,
Our next Information Day is taking place at the Mercure hotel, Sherwood Forrest Nottingham on Tuesday 2nd July.
The day will feature a range of speakers, stalls and an opportunity to share experiences with other people affected by lung cancer. The event will focus on health and wellbeing post diagnosis. It features input from the local Thrive team, Nutrition service, MacMillan, 5K your way, Notts County foundation. There is content to help you adjust during and after treatment. There will be hints on tips on managing physical and emotional health and living well with lung cancer.
If you have been affected by lung cancer and would like to come along call 033 323 7200 option 2 and speak to Calum or Mari , or email info@roycastle.org to book a place.
Future events planned in Oxford, Cardiff and Dundee.
we look forward to seeing you,
Lorraine @ Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation