I am trying to find some data on recurrence rates specifically after you have had one! 2 Stage 1 adenomocarcoma surgically removed 2018 with no other treatmetn (rll lobectoby and r ul wedge) - stage 1 resection 10/18/23 with r upper lobe partial lobectomy. Once you have a recurrence what are the stats for future ones?
Recurrence rate data: I am trying to... - The Roy Castle Lu...
Recurrence rate data
Hello Kri312,
This kind of information can be difficult to gather as there are so many variables, genetic type of cancer, type of surgery, location of the cancer and the patient’s general health. Recurrence is very difficult to predict, and the mechanisms are not well understood. Your oncologist will have all your pathology results and along with the surgeon and others have been part of the MDT that discussed your case. It is best to ask your team about the chances of recurrence as they have all your information and can answer the question specifically for you.
If there is anything else you would like to discuss you can email ask the nurse at lungcancerhelp@roycastle.org or call our free phone nurse led helpline number on 0800 358 7200 Monday to Thursday 0900-1700 and Friday 0900-1600.
Kind Regards
Roy Castle Support Team