ended up in a&e a couple of weeks ago due to chest tightness and numbness in my face, chest x-ray showed a 2cm mass in my left lung and today I had a ct scan to check it further. Now waiting for the results and the next stage of finding out what it is. I am truly terrified. Keeping myself busy making lists and trying to organise Christmas. Not sure why I'm writing this except I have to put it somewhere - my kids are awesome but it isn't fair to lumber them with my tears and fears atth ispoint.
waiting for results from ct scan - The Roy Castle Lu...
waiting for results from ct scan

You have come to the right place, so do just write down your worries. Plenty people here who understand what you are going through. It can be a hard time when you are waiting for test results and not easy not knowing what you are facing.
You are doing the right thing getting organised and distracting yourself. However if the fears and worries come do just pop onto the site and ask questions or talk about how you feel. That is what we are here for.
We do have an information pack available (on line or post to you) called Lung Cancer Answering Your Questions. If you want some written information we can provide it, but if now is not the right time that is absolutely fine. You know we are here if and when you might find it useful.
Hope the scan results don't take too long, but meanwhile do what you can to get on with the things that matter to you. You are also allowed to have a numb/ distracted/ duvet day if and when you need it.
best wishes
on behalf of the Information & Support team
Freephone helpline 0333 323 7200 option 2
Hi, I know it hard but just wait for results, it seems like foreva when ur waiting but we r here for u every step of the way, we have all been there and know just how ur feeling, that's the good thing about this site everyone know how ur feeling so if u want rant, moan or just want some advise we are here ok....
Hello, im Julie, so sorry you are having to go through this awful waiting for results time, we have all been in the same boat on here and understand how difficult it is to not crumble in front of loved ones but you do need as much support as you can get. Do you know how long you'll have to wait for results ?
thanks for the responses everyone. I have just had a long phone chat with my sister who is a breast cancer survivor, so she knows some of what I am going through. my husband works overseas, so I have cried over skype to him this evening -it is hard for him being away,but he will be back next week.
I expect to get the results either tomorrow afternoon or Monday. The sooner the better really, as then I will know what I have to deal with. It's the unknown that is so hard, once I know what I am facing I can make pans and yet more lists.
Hi desertmum. I know it's really difficult for you just now but please try and not stress yourself too much just now. Lots of us on this site have gone through what you are experiencing and I know it's easy to say don't worry but trust me wait until you get your results. Hopefully you should get some response soon. Let us know what they are and we will help you all we can.
Good Luck
my xray (march 2014) did not show size - ct scan showed squamous cell non small tumor-cancer-4.5 cm in right lower lobe -now 4 cm on later pet-ct scan - I am not going to do surgery, radiation or chemo - I am using essiac, vitamin c/b12 injections/b17 supplements, avoiding dairy, processed food and meat - use a lot of natural supplements - no prescription drugs -- last ct was july - will have another in Jan 2015 and hope for best.
Just be happy and do not worry - I believe that following traditional medical advice like from thoracic surgeon who wants to cut will make you worse off than going for a naturpathic route. If you are feeling "okay" - walking, breathing ok, etc. then enjoy each day.
No one knows how long we have with or without various "treatments". We do know; however, that surgically removing lobe & probably more (e.g., rt and middle lobe plus lymph nodes re stanford thoracic surgeon) will reduce your quality/length of life.
expect to get the results tomorrow - I was hoping to get them on Friday so I would have the weekend to fall apart if it is bad news. I have a busy day tomorrow watching my daughter at a show jumping clinic (horses) in the morning and then work in the afternoon. But the Christmas tree is up and looks beautiful, had a lovely walk with the dogs yesterday, it was beautiful here - clear skies and sunshine. Whatever the outcome it has made me wake up and smell the roses and appreciate what I have got. My biggest problem right now is lack of sleep - I am perhaps getting 2-3 hours a night - not good.
I am very grateful I can ramble on here - trying to have one last weekend - potentially - of normality. We are a family who faces life with humour and who laugh a lot together - we will get through this.