Hi - I'm new to the forum, looking to get some advice to where to start.
3 months ago, my father experienced breathing difficulties (chest pain) and also pain in his shoulder. He has been prescribed with antibiotics but it didnt help and scans showed a shadow in his lungs. Fast forward to now (feb 2022) - the shadows havent gone away, and further scans were done.
Specialist has confirmed it is likely to be cancer, from what he can see it has also spread to the bones/spine, kidney and liver. Stage 4.
Next steps are to perform a biopsy in 2 days time, and a follow up appointment (for the results) is scheduled 12 days later? is it normal to wait so long for results?
Is there anything else we can do whilst we wait? i'm worried we are losing valuable time by waiting for this result/appointment. I'm still in shock and I can't help but wonder that my father can be gone in a blink of an eye....