Just over 6yrs ago had a lower lobectomy for adenocarcinoma stage 1b. As I was younger than normal & non smoker I still get followed up by my consultant every 6 months thankfully.
I’ve had tenderness under right arm & by scars with shoulder pain & restrictions since Christmas. By the middle of Jan I couldn’t raise my arm & started to get pains down my arm & numbness/heavy feeling with numbness & sometimes loss of circulation in hand. Saw GP & physio & was referred for chest & shoulder x Ray - all ok & diagnosed as frozen shoulder. Shoulder specialist disagreed & said it’s probably rotator cuff problem & so just had MRI scan. Shoulder pain seems to be getting better but the numbness worse.
All seemed plausible till last Fri when saw consultant for regular check up - he’s concerned that’s there’s particular type of lung cancer in the wall that presses on the nerve that causes the symptoms I have. He wants me scanned on 2 week pathway but complicated by it actually only meaning I see another consultant not get the scan (as GP explained). GP has referred me urgently but who knows how long it will be because of the pandemic. My consultant (who I trust totally) seemed concerned and said he is not saying it is this but equally can’t rule it out either.
Obviously feeling in that limbo land again (it took 15 months of repeat scans & for tumour to grow before I was diagnosed) so just seeing if anyone has gone through something similar or indeed has these symptoms/cancer?