Hi I am just wondering if there is any support groups around Wrightington, Wigan, Chorley Lancashire or Greater Manchester? My Dad was told his lung cancer had returned in October he still hasn’t started treatment, he is due to start chemo on 10th Dec by that point it will be just over 8 weeks since finding out! My mum and Dad are really struggling with their emotions and worrying about the future, I really want to help bring them some positivity because at the minute all they are being given is negativity, dad has just changed his care to Christie’s as he has felt very let down by his care at Clatterbridge we just feel like he been completely left on his own !! I have been completely shocked so far at how little support is given to a stage 4 cancer patient, all that seems to be discussed is time prognosis rather than trying to give patients some positive moral!!
Sorry for the rant but I am getting so upset that nothing is being done and I am having to go out and search for help!!