Well what can i say things arnt going well my husband hasnt eaten anything now for 13 days and drinking less and less may be half a cup in total a day .his very weak .we was told Thursday that they thought he had weeks now rather then months .we have 2 carers coming in in the morning and washing him and there lovely you xan see the sadness in my husbands face because they have to wash him .they have offerd me more help but at the moment i want to do it myself .they are going to give us a hospital bed at home to make it easyier for him and more comfortable. The palitive nurse and the district nurse are really nice they are kind making shore his comfortable and pain-free. Have told my children and my eldest grandchildren. There devistated. There all coming up over the weekend and are going to come more often not easy have they all have full time jobs and dont leave in london .but am glad for the support sorry if im rambling feeling very sad x carol
Up date lung cancer brain mets - The Roy Castle Lu...
Up date lung cancer brain mets

Very sad situation for you all. You are doing all you can to make him comfortable and you are there for him. Warm wishes sent your way. Xx
Very tough for you and your family. Glad the family are coming to see you.
Thanks it was lovely my little grand daughter who is just 2 ran in jumped on his bed and said hello grandad he smiled for the first time in a long time .x
So sorry for u both you need ur family round you at times like this god bless xx
Wishing you well at this sad and difficult time. how lovely that your family is coming to see you - the reaction to the granddaughter says it all…. x

Dear Carol
So very sad for you all and how lovely the family will be with you, the wonder of children to bring such joy. You sound like a beautiful carer, and hope you have all the practical and emotional support you need.
Thinking of you all
The Roy Castle Support Team
0800 358 7200