I know everyone's situation is different, but I am very grateful and priviliged to be sat here writing this post. As far as I know - after all the treatment and its side effects, I remain cancer free. I have no idea if it will return, but am now concentrating in living each day as it comes. I never thought I would get enough energy to start cleaning out my cupboards and doing ordinary things. The treatment which ended almost 18months ago seems like a distant memory. But I get stark reminders of how it was back then. I can only say that once they told me they would try for a treatment of the Cancer - I knew I would fight tooth and nail, but sometimes I lived hour by hour, just to get through.
Today, I have some quality of life, and I am alive and appreciating every day. I still have side effects(neurological from the chemo), but it is a small price to pay.
For all those who are struggling mid treatment, I would say - muddle through as best you can, dependant on the grade and type of cancer, there sometimes can be a happy outcome, but only for today. I do not know or want to know what tomorrow will bring. I have only the day in which I am living in. I wish you all luck on your own journeys.