I haven’t posted in a while,so thanks for reading in advance.After a year of being diagnosed with lung cancer,and after chemo,radiotherapy,all the tests imaginable.Side effects of both.My hubby was admitted to hospital for a pleural effusion.2 lung drains.He is barely 8st in weight.Saw he’s lung consultant last week and he’s not offering any more treatment at this time because of his fragility.Can’t see on the latest-ray if his cancer has progressed because of ongoing effusion.Feel as though he’s being left to get on with things.Be strong all you lovely people
Too fragile to carry on with treatment - The Roy Castle Lu...
Too fragile to carry on with treatment
Hope you’ve lots of lovely supportive people around you . Hopefully someone will be along who can advise you xxx

Hello Royfrank01,
I am very sorry to hear that your husband is not so well, it is very difficult to hear that treatment for the moment has to be stopped as his condition is poor, as I am sure you know some of the therapies can be harsh with side effects which may cause him more harm. Have you been referred to palliative care?
Palliative Care is defined as an approach that improves the quality of life of patients and their families facing the problems associated with incurable illness, it aims to provide relief of suffering by means of early identification and assessment and treatment of pain and other problems, physical, psychosocial and spiritual, this is sometimes now referred to as supportive care. This would provide both of you with the support that you are needing just now, often when palliative is mentioned it is easy to go to the conclusion that this means end of life care however, the aim is to provide support and improve quality of life by controlling symptoms and providing emotional support to the family. When needed it also will provided end of life care.
Below I have added a link to Marie Curie website which explains what they do
If you would like to discuss anything at lungcancerhelp@roycastle.org, our free phone nurse led helpline number is 0800 358 7200 Monday to Thursday 0900-1700 and Friday 0900-1600
Kindest regards
The Roy Castle Support Team
Thank you so much for your support.We are lucky we’ve got a lovely family network and hubby has community nurses that come out twice a month.It’s just nice to reach out to you lovely people who are going through this awful time as well,but also find lots of positive feedback to any questions.Thank you xx
Always a difficult time when our loved ones are too frail for treatment. Palliative/supportive care can be a real lifeline - not only for the end of life which many people believe it to be - they are often experts in pain management, and often have more time to spend supporting patients than busy hospitals and less clinical environment too. They are different from having a community nurse - worse making enquiries if your area has any - ours doesn't so our area commissioned hospice at home service to help people at this time. thinking of you both.
Thank you Jeanette R57 xx
I'm sorry to read this Hidden . I hope you are able to get all the support you need from the medical teams. Its good to know you have a lovely family network. Thinking of you xx
Thank you for your lovely comments xx