I'm having the top third of my right lung removed on 25th October.......I've got a holiday booked to Gambia on 14th January....will I be able to go?? Will I feel well enough?? Will I be allowed to fly for 6 hours??
lung surgery: I'm having the top third... - The Roy Castle Lu...
lung surgery

Hi Murphy, Every patient is different, You are best asking your lung cancer nurse specialist for advice or perhaps contacting Roy Castle lung foundation . Tel. 03333237200
I have found this article by the N H S which may help you.
t depends on what regulations your airline has and what type of surgery you've had.
Check before you fly
Each airline has its own regulations about flying after surgery. Check with your airline before you fly, particularly if you've had complicated surgery.
If you've had any kind of major surgery, you should also check with your surgeon or GP before flying.
Types of surgery
As a rough guide, the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) says that before flying, you should allow:
one to two days after keyhole surgery (when surgery is done through a small hole with special instruments)
four to five days after simple abdominal (tummy) surgery, and 10 days for more complicated abdominal surgery
10 days after chest surgery or a coronary artery bypass graft
one day after simple cataract or corneal laser surgery
seven days after more complicated eye surgery
one day after a colonoscopy (where a thin flexible tube with a camera on the end is used to investigate the large bowel)
For other types of surgery, allow:
two to six weeks after surgery for retinal detachment that involves having a gas bubble put in your eye
six weeks after a craniotomy and four weeks after a brain biopsy
one to two days after surgery where a plaster cast is applied – if you have a broken arm or leg, it will affect where you can sit (for example, you won't be allowed to sit in an emergency seat and you may have to purchase an extra seat if you cannot bend your knee to sit normally)
You may need to wait three months before flying if you've had:
any part of your lung removed (a lung resection)
a joint replacement, such as a hip or knee replacement
Medical conditions
Restrictions may also apply to flying with other medical conditions. CAA has general guidance for:
heart attack – you may fly after 7 to 10 days provided there have not been any complications
heart failure – most people who have heart failure can still fly provided that the condition is stable and well controlled with treatment
Risk of DVT
If you're flying after recent surgery, especially on the hips or knees, you're at an increased risk of deep vein thrombosis, or DVT (a blood clot in one of the deep veins in your body, usually in your legs).
Other factors may also increase your risk of DVT, including if you:
have had DVT before
have had blood clots already
have a family history of blood clot
are overweight or obese
are pregnant
If you're at high risk of DVT, speak to your GP before flying. They may get advice from your surgeon, for example, or recommend that you delay your trip.
You can take steps to reduce your risk of DVT, such as drinking plenty of water and moving around on the plane.
It's important to note, however, that the absolute risk of developing a travel-related DVT is low, even if you are classed as moderate to high risk.
Travelling with a pacemaker
People who have had a pacemaker or an implantable cardiac defibrillator (ICD) fitted may travel without problems once they are medically stable.
Travel insurance
Check your travel insurance policy carefully, as you may need to inform the insurance company that you've recently had surgery. This could increase the cost of your travel insurance.
Hi Murphy, as Jillygirl said everyone is different, are you having keyhole surgery or the big op that leaves you with the 18inch scar? When I was going to have my lower right lobe removed I was told that it would be at least 3 months before I would be allowed to fly. As it is I had complications (lung collapsed) and 3 months of chemo. It took me about 5-6 months after my op before I felt fit enough to do any travelling. You really need to speak to your LC nurse and Thoracic surgeon.
Good Luck

They won't know which type of surgery its going to be till they put the camera in. Seeing the surgeon next week...will ask.
I don't know about the recovery time - but I'd be extremely careful about travel insurance. It's very unlikely that they'll cover you so soon after cancer surgery. However, presumably you didn't know about the cancer when you took out the policy, so you should be covered for cancellation and would then be able to rebook your holiday when you can really enjoy it. Good luck with your surgery (and holiday)!
Hi Murphy
Just wondering if you made this holiday and what it was like with flying. I'm told by surgeon I'm able to fly to Eygpt tomo and I'm 9 weeks post op with 14 inch scare after losing my upper left lobe
Best wishes x