As with most of us on here - have been to hell and back - but am alive and keeping going. I got squamous cell lung cancer after I had stopped smoking and have had some pretty radical treatment (concurrent cistplatin and verbenaline and radiotherapy, I think it was something like that!) Have had two xrays since treatment finished late November and they tell me that I am in remission - virtually no evidence of the cancer. I used to be a nurse and didn't think that lung cancer could have a good prognosis. I get checked again next month and am hoping to have good news. The tumour was T4N1m0 or something like that. It was inoperable so have relied on the treatment. Would be interested to hear from anyone who had similar type and how they are getting on. When I was initially told - I was given the impression it was terminal and proceeded to do all the funeral arrangements etc etc. Was under the impression I wouldn't make Christmas. HERE I AM! So I continue to try to be positive and hope this gives others some hope too. It is 11 months since my initial diagnosis whoopeeeeee!
Quite a while since I posted on here! - The Roy Castle Lu...
Quite a while since I posted on here!

that's great news . my dad has recently been diagnosed with squamous lung cancer. after going for various appointments he has decided not to go through with any treatment and just let the cancer take hold. The family is upset about this decision especially as there are many hopeful stories on this forum. Of course he didn't make his decision lightly but just wish he would try the treatment first before deciding .
hi poptarts - nice to hear from you - I agree with bethochrane - I am 62 and but wanted to snatch at a chance to try. I live alone but have lots of friends that came out of the woodwork to support me. It has changed my life and my thinking! Not all treatments are so radical, but I just plodded on one day at a time. He has to want the treatment for him and not his family. otherwise he could lose the positivity of wanting to go for Gold. Everyone's circumstances are different - but they are very helpful on the macmillan phone lines. they helped me a lot - sorted my finances out - I could talk to a nurse so maybe he would find that useful. The number is 08088080000 - if you speak to them first - you will get a "sense" of if they could be useful for your dad. I hope so, in any event - whatever his decision - they are there for you and will help as much as they can.
Hi Poptarts,
Did your Dad talk to you regarding his reasons for choosing not to have any treatment? Sometimes people listen too much to what other people say, and those experiences may not be relevant to him. Sometimes people are offered chemotherapy or radiotherapy, not as a cure, but as treatments to alleviate discomfort and improve quality and quantity of life. Have you/ your Dad spoken to the lung Cancer nurse specialist? S/He will be able to provide you with factual advice that may help your Dad to think differently? It is important that everyone has the opportunity to make informed decisions about their own care.
If you wish to speak to someone, you are welcome to call our free helpline on 0333 323 7200 option 2.
Best wishes,
Beth, on behalf of information and support.
Hi Veecatz , absolutely fantastic to hear of the outcome of your treatment. Yes whoopeeeee, and wow. I agree cats need spoiling, mine is 14 yrs old and craves more attention now than when she was younger. Thank you for your response , your personal experience and experiences of others gives me so much hope and strength to fight this bloody disease. I have been lucky and had no side effects that I can't manage . On my third cycle today , then a scan in 2 weeks to see if their are any changes. fingers crossed I have good news.

Good for you! I am glad you are going through with the treatment, I couldn't believe that they said I was in remission. I did have a rough time with the treatment, but am still here to tell the tale!! and this is almost 12 months later. I will be thinking of you and do let me know how you get on - I replied to your post in particular as you seem to have similar type of condition to mine. I thought inoperable meant "goodbye" - and as you can see - it doesn't. Well done and just plod along one day at a time. xxx

So pleased Veecatz
thank you for taking the time to update us. It is always good to hear when treatment works, given how tricky it can be. Hope you are looking forward to a sunny summer and time to enjoy the sunshine.
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