I don’t usually share my blog here but I thought it might help shape the way we look at a couple of things about our cancer. So here it is.
Thought I’d Share This. : I don’t... - Lung Cancer Support
Thought I’d Share This.

Spot on. I identified with the entire article. Thank you for posting.
Thank you Denzie!!!
Resonated with me Denzie - thanks for posting - here's a link to a similar article I wrote as the pandemic was taking off in 2020.... ncri.org.uk/language-of-can...
Very well written. I have a hard time with the fighting image that people use but I struggle with an alternate term. I also know people who chose to end treatment. I feel like that’s a kind of victory because they decided when to end treatment. Cancer did not choose for them.
I could go on and on about the language you pointed out and discussing each point. I hope others here will read what you wrote and comment.
I like your idea of the next normal and us, the cancer patient, as active participants. When I hit the five year survival, I congratulated my oncologist on that milestone. He asked me why I was congratulating him to which I replied that we're a team. He got a big smile on his face and said he liked that idea. Let's face it, without us complying with treatment protocols, doing everything in our power to be as healthy as possible, and researching potential new treatments, our good outcomes would not be as likely. Our doctors are the experts on treatment modalities, but we are the experts on our bodies. The concept of being part of the team is empowering.
I love this. Thank you.