Good morning everyone! I’m not sure if this link will post until I hit enter and see but I wanted to share with you my yearly campaign to help feed senior citizens this winter who don’t have the means to buy groceries. This is our 4th year doing this and we’ve partnered again with 2 grocery store chains who match every donation, dollar for dollar, in the form of grocery card gift cards. They cards are handed out through several food banks and senior centers to those who need them. This year I’m purchasing bottles of vegetable oil and pre filled salt and pepper shakers to give out with each card so that they don’t have to spend money on those staples. I’m also printing out some easy (less than 5 ingredient) one pot and sheet pan meals to hand out as well. Every year I pray there isn’t a need for this campaign and every year there is actually MORE need. All of us here in this support forum have been through or are currently navigating through a cancer diagnosis. It was my cancer and all the support I received from my friends and neighbors that caused me to want to help others...even if it’s just in a small way. I figured out that no matter how bad I thought I had it...someone else has it worse. A $5 donation turns into a $10 grocery gift card...a $10 donation gets a $20 card etc. Normally a $5 donation wouldn’t do much but in this instance, $5 turns into $10 and thats enough for bread, milk, eggs and cheese for a week. It makes a huge difference in the life of a hungry senior. If you can’t access this link for whatever reason, you can just go to the Go Fund Me main page and type in FEEDING GRANDPA in the search bar. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I wish everyone a healthy and happy new year!!
Let’s help someone eat this winter.. - Lung Cancer Support
Let’s help someone eat this winter..

I actually just tried the link and it does take you right to the page. Thanks again! Xoxo

I hope your generosity is returned many fold.
Thanks Denzie! This is our fourth year and every year we try to do just a little bit more and a little something extra. It’s not much but I think it’s makes a difference to those who end up with the grocery cards. Sometimes there are elderly people that would qualify for food stamps but for one reason or another, they’re unable to get them. Sometimes it’s because they’re homeless and other times it’s simply because they don’t know how and no one is helping them. At some point I’d like to offer my “services” (voluntarily of course) to anyone who might need help applying for food stamps, help with utilities (in NJ it’s called the “gift of warmth”) and any other benefits they may qualify for and aren’t getting. There’s so much I want to do but am limited without the help of others. Giving up one morning latte at Starbucks can provide milk, eggs and bread for a senior. I make my coffee at home now and put that $4+ in a big jar I have. At the end of this campaign I’ll donate whatever is in that jar. Who knew skipping one coffee drink could make such a difference? Not me, but I do now.
Thanks for taking the time to read about my campaign. I’ll likely repost every couple of days just in case any new members missed it.
Have a blessed day!