In June of this year I had stereotactic body radiation therapy for a slow growing tumor in my left lung which was presumed to be a recurrence of a previous NSCLC in that same area. Biopsy was not an option due to the tumor's proximity to the aorta. I had a follow up CAT scan earlier this week and the results showed pleural effusion and the radiologist could not determine if the targeted tumor was still there or not. Now I wait to see my medical oncologist on Nov. 30 to discuss these results. The pleural effusion certainly explains my increased shortness of breath as does the damage to surrounding tissue. My hope is that nothing further needs to be done for now. Just venting here and don't want to discuss with family and friends until I know more. Also my older daughter and her husband and adult son are ill with Covid. These are scary times with this pandemic so I hope everyone here is taking precautions against this nasty disease.
Post SBRT CAT Scan: In June of this year... - Lung Cancer Support
Post SBRT CAT Scan

Precautions for sure. Anxiety for lung cancer patients for sure. My diagnosis as likely a result of symptoms of Plueral effusion. I had a pleurodesis In which they put in a talc to close up the Plueral space to prevent dluis from collecting there. Followed by chemo, this was very successful. Best best wishes to you, Jean
understand your anxiety and concern as well as your wish to protect your family whilst you await next steps. thinking of you - hope you can find a way to distract yourself instead of every thought dominating your day about this - as you say your symptoms could be the fluid or infection or something else - best wait until the oncologist explains the 'what is' rather than guessing the 'what if' - hope you don't have to wait too long until you have some answers and treatment.
so good isn't it to be able to give something back at times of stress - keep up the good work. as you say, it's a win for all concerned.

Oh! JeanE! I’m so sorry that you have to go through this during covid.
If that breathing gets any more difficult call your doc and head to the ED. Don’t let them tell you that radiation is not an option because you can have proton radiation where you had SBRT.
I admire you for being able to knit the way you do. I can’t focus on it long enough to finish a simple project since chemotherapy. Thank you for you kind and caring acts of kindness making warm things to protect against the cold.