I'm so scared, it's been 7 weeks now since my mum was fist diagnosed with NSCLC, we are no further forward, she has been so so poorly with her kidneys, nausea has been horrendous, shes fading away before our eyes and there doesn't seem to be any urgency to make her better.
They have seen a blockage and 1cm lesion on my mums kidney, we was told on Monday that it could be cancer, and it might not be, she would have radiotherapy due her kidneys not being good, a mri on her brain and an appointment with the radiotherapy consultant, and was sent home in agony and non the wiser as to what was going on.
The MRI scan appointment came and went, without our knowledge we phoned and left voicemails, emails to find out when the appointment was to be told it was 2 days ago and we had not been informed, I'm beginning to lose all hope and faith in the hospital now.
Mum and Dad went again to the hospital yesterday, only because my sister had finally got through to someone and said her treatment had been unacceptable, we have now been told that mum will be having chemotherapy, they cant tell us if it's cancer in her kidney still until next week and she has a mri brain scan on Tuesday now.. and Thursday they should have everything, so I am now going to this appointment with them, I need to know mum can have treatment with a chance of living and not just to exist, I'm done with feeling positive because I am so terrified