I’m just want to hear people’s stories on this for my Dad. He starts this week
Whole brain radiation experiences - Lung Cancer Support
Whole brain radiation experiences
Whole head radiation was only done one time they measure you for a mask and then they do the whole brain go home and just rest. First i had a tumor removed then 3 spotst srs radiation then whole head to keep the little ones small. For me never stops. Lost hair with chemo too
Thanks so much for your reply! I’m very scared about this. He starts chemo after and then Keytruda. He was on tygrisso for a while but it seems to have stopped working unfortunately
I had 3 cm tumer brain surgery then 5 days focused radiation to radiate the empty area and tthen 4 monthes later they radiated me 5 days for a .5 mm tiny abnormality. now I have just scans to look forward too! I had right lung taken out 2 lymph chest nodes stage 3a then when I got one me I become stage 4 overnight. I am on treatment NED last time checked and no chemo..watching my brain...pet scan survelliance once a year thing I believe but had ct of chest 3 mo ago negative. I wonder will I do keytruda?? Thwe specialist said no data and I don't qualify?? for keytruda..im scared