Hello all, checking in to give the latest going on in my life. Over a week ago I ended up in the ER with an impacted colon. Had to have an emergency colectomy, removing 75% of my colon . Essentially , I had 20 lbs. of fecal matter, I was FOS, lol. Sorry, couldn't resist. So as of now I am suffering with nausea and pain. I am going to have to get used to a new "normal" as far as this situation as well as dealing with my cancer. You never know what life will hand you,accepting it and moving on is about all a person can do. Thanks for letting me vent, hope everyone is doing well.
Emergency surgery: Hello all, checking... - Lung Cancer Support
Emergency surgery

I hate to hit the like button but that's all there is. So sorry you had to go thru that. Ive often thought that mine was impacted especially during chemo. I had the worst time going. So when u can jokingly say you were FOS I have to give you credit. I believe its the only way we can get thru all we are faced with. I'm sorry about losing so mu h of your colon. All these new normals we must face. Much love and appreciation for you.
Donna are you home now ,that had to be hard. That type of surgery. Hop you have a speedy recovery. Miss you talk when you feel up to it.I,m here for you if you lived closer I could help you taking care of you. I hope you have a lot of caring people that will help you until your feeling better and after.I truly miss you get well. Soon I,'ll be here waiting. Let me know how things are going. Love susiejo1948
Glad you are on the mend but sorry for the FOS scare! Hope the nausea and pain resolve as soon as possible.
Wow, you’ve really been through a lot! I pray you’re starting to heal and able to fight this nasty disease. May God bless you.
Oh, bless your heart. You know the routine only too well - be patient with your body, gentle with your soul, laugh if you can and know we all care deeply about you. Seriously love your sense of humor. Hugs.
Thank you,Peggy. A sense of humor does help in all of life's situations, something Mom always told me.
Ya, those moms had a handle on it...that is for sure. Imagine her tucking you in and telling you to rest! lol
WOW!!!! 20 lbs. of fecal matter. That's one way to lose weight, but it's not usually recommended. Take care. I hope you have a fast and smooth recovery and your GI symptoms resolve soon.
I am so sorry for all you are dealing with, but love your attitude, wish it could rub off on more folks, myself included. I pray you get better soon!
Well now! What an interesting road you have been on. You need a bodyguard by your side to keep you out of more trouble.
Sounds like a very bumpy road. I will keep you in MY prayers.
Wishing you a blessed Thanksgiving. No Turkey for you. -
It always amazes me that the medical field is lacking when it comes to post op instructions regarding the bodies reaction to disease, surgery and medications; to say nothing of the importance of fluids and stool softeners.
As a nurse, I am embarrassed this is not addressed and emphasized more. I am saddened to think of you having to endure such extensive surgery for a problem which I believe should have been prevented.
Of course I am not aware of all circumstances involved. I am so sorry you had to go through so much. Please be kind to yourself. This is a rough patch
JRuth, thank you for your concerns, my husband would agree on you about someone to keep me out of trouble. I am my worst enemy. I wait to long to get help, then I get so sick ,I have no choice but to go to er. Well, I'm done with that, this taught me a good lesson. My granddaughter,who is a nurse, had just gotten home from a cruise and took one look at me and made me go to er.So thank God I listened to her.
Is constipation a side effect of chemo? My OH has had 4 diff type of chemo and is struggling even after ac4 week break from.the last lot of tabs the medics usually warn just about diarrhoea ...bowel c with sec mets in liver
Constipation and or diarrhea are often side effects. Constipation is almost a given for anyone on narcotics. It needs to be addressed before it gets too far (such as gibdonnalee).
As for reactions to chemo..it probably varies by which chemo and whether taking enough fluids is a problem. I really Don't have an answer.
Perhaps FTb_peggy has more insight into that.
My oncologist and nutritionist warned of constipation. In fact, they had a handout on what to take and eat to help. I had a horrible time with it during and following chemo.
Thank you. He had folfox folfuri cepetedine and mitomycin and subsequently lonsurf...now waiting for DEBTACE procedure next week which scares me rather a lit!