Hi! I am looking for info that would help me help a friend who is undergoing chemo right now. What helped when you were undergoing chemo? Meals, rides, etc. Any insight would help. Thanks.
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Meals delivered did help during 'chemo week'. Also cards and emails helped bolster my spirits. Ginger chews and CBD helped w/ nausea. Prayers are always appreciated💓 Thank you for being there for your friend!
What is CBD?
CBD is the non hallucinogenic component of medical marijuana.
Oh. So while I am researching this I realize there is so much info. Is there a specific form like tablets, drops?
Peg, I just tried this oil the past couple days. The taste is awful.. mixjng it in 3ounces of Gatorade was slightly better than mixing it into 8 ounces water. Any tips?
I was lucky enough to have my daughter drive me. I went once a week. She always took that day off. She could sit with me during the treatment. We engaged in mindless activity like internet surfing, talking and laughing. It was a distraction. Then we would stop at Long John Silvers, get me lunch to take home. Since they put something in my IV that helped my nausea, I was able to eat!
While going through chemo my neighbor would send over dinner right after chemo- which was wonderful since I had horrible fatigue. The other thing is rides - my husband took me to whatever appointments I had when I was not up to driving. Both of these things would be of great help.
My husband took me to all my chemo and radiation treatments. We live 2.5 hours away from the cancer center so when I took chemo, we stayed in a hotel within one mile of the hospital. I wasn't too sick while taking the chemo but within 10-14 days, I was very sick to my stomach even with the anti nausea medication. During that time I concentrated on trying to stay hydrated and ate only soft foods such as mashed potatoes, oatmeal, ice cream, etc. I got through it but there will be days when eating will not be a top priority in your life. Eat what you can but try to drink as much as possible.
God bless you.

In addition to meals and rides I found it helpful when others did my laundry or to care for my plants. Also change my bed and vacuum. Anything cleaning activity that created fumes hurt my lungs.
Your friend is truly blessed to have you in his/her life. The needs will change as treatment progresses. I'm sure you will adapt, but most importantly, you are there.
Meals for the family. Gift cards for "cheap" takeout like chipotle or local spots. And I found a couple favorite things that friends would bring (Funky Monkey smoothie from a healthy restaurant, a very mild tofu vegetable soup from the Chinese restaurant, banana bread), and they knew I appreciated those particular things. In the beginning after diagnosis when I couldnt drive , my friends set up a schedule of "girl Friday"--each day or two, one would text me and tell me what errands she was running and get a list from me. Perhaps I needed laundry detergent or hand soap from target, or fresh fruit fron the grocery store, or a prescription picked up and delivered, or a latte. Another friend bought an extra copy of the book our 7th graders needed for school so that I didn't have to. Letting me off the hook for carpools during tough times. Inviting my kids for playdates or fun places.
Itty Bitty, I had 6 rounds of chemotherapy for stage 4 lung cancer. The first day the person feels fine then Kaboom the next 4 days you are really knocked down.(like a big truck ran over you) I found during those days sleep and trying to eat a thick bread was the best. It helped the stomach greatly. Just knowing and accepting the down time was really helpful to me. I also choose to shave my head proactively because I wouldn't have been able to see my hair go piece by piece, So I had a shave the head party with wine and cheese!! Always having a close net friendships help also. One really needs support!! Hope all goes well SBLT