I wish I knew what is wrong with me besides having small cell cancer. I developed a Neuro problem whereby my nerves are taking over my whole body and causing such terrible pain and unhappiness. I've had my lung surgery, my Chemo didn't go well and now I'm waiting to be seen at the City of Hope. I hope I make it!
Small cell cancer with complications - Lung Cancer Support
Small cell cancer with complications
May God bless you and my prayers are that you get relief and answers to your medical conditions
Thank you!
Thank you
Hi Edydede!
Stay Strong! You will fight this cancer beast!
When were you diagnosed with Small Cell? My dad also has small cell. Some days are better than others, but we are not giving up this fight and will always remain hopeful/positive.
I pray you will be able to get some relief soon. God bless!
I too have Stage 4 NSCC and Multiple Myelomoma ,I have diabetes and a very bad back to begin with. Since going on Chemo my nerve pain has grown more intense and severe.I have used med. marijuana and it has really helped with my appetite and nerve pain. Just a suggestion. Each time I have the Chemo It is followed by a bout with the nerve pain. It's bad for a day then subsides to manageable.Good Luck, keep the faith, and ,most of all keep fighting ,it's for your loved ones.
Edydede, I am sorry to hear about your struggles. When you go to City of Hope make sure to ask lots of questions, and ask until you understand. As others have mentioned on this site before, take someone with you if you can, another pair of ears is priceless (you may already know that - if so, sorry!). Best of luck, please let us know what you hear. Hugs, Peggy
Thank you!
Sorry to hear you are having Problems with chemo. My dad experienced the same thing and doc said it was peripheral neuropathy. They said it was a side affect of chemo. Hang in there and stay hopeful.
Can you ask your drs for immunotherapy drugs? It seems to be doing good for some people. (don't take no for an answer) Good luck!!
Thank you!
A year after my chemo & still have neuropathy on one foot. Oncologist said it would go away after a year maybe. Claimed it was due to chemotherapy. I only did 6 treatments in 5 months. Well, cannot complain because it was worse. Hope it does not last long for you. Hang in there.
Thank you!
I am so sorry that you are having neuropathy in your foot. Chemotherapy can be so harsh on us. Even if you only had 6 infusions in 5 months, I believe that the chemo can do so many things that we don't even know about.
My 42 year old son has neuropathy in both feet and legs (he does not have cancer). It is so severe that he even has symptoms of it in his arms and hands. He is taking Cymbalta 60mg each morning. It helps some but barely touches the pain so he has pain medication if he needs it.
Talk to your primary care physician about medication that could help you. You deserve a break from the neuropathic discomfort. For pain my son is taking Percocet (oxycodone-acetaminophen 10-325). God bless you and you will be in my prayers.
My Best,

This is just not fair. Talk to the doctor about getting a med that is effective on neuropathy-Gabapentin, Cymbalta, Lyrica. I send hope that you get a break with this one.
Thank you!
Edydede, you will make it. I have a similar problem only the doctor did not give it a name. My surgery was 15 months ago and I am suffering from terrible pain in the invision area. They say it is because of the number of nerves they had to cut in order to get to the cancer. So now I suffer from horrible pain and the cancer is still there.
I will pray for you.
Oh boy! What bad luck! So sorry! Be well!
Please ask for help with the neuropathy, it is both painful,and annoying losing control of your body.
Sounds like you've developed neuropathy. Speak to your oncology pharmacist about something to help alleviate the burning, numbness,and pain.
I'm trying a topical Cream called Apothecanna Extra Strengh Relieving Body Cream. Amongst other pain relievers the 100 Mg of THC and 100 Mg. of CBD oil helps tremendously. Purchased at Valley Caregivers on Ventura Blvd. across the street from the new Bowling alley, towards Woodlake.
You hang in there. Please do not give up on yourself. Vitamin B can be helpful with your Nero issues.Good luck.
Dear Edydede,
I read your post with great interest. Please don't lose hope!! Your symptoms remind me of neuropathy and\or fibromyalgia. I too hurt all the time. I take medication for fibromyalgia daily. It helps some. I believe the chemotherapy played havoc on my system along with the radiation therapy I underwent.
My name is Kathie. I am 65 and have been battling cancer for 4 + years. Had a bi-lateral (double) mastectomy the end of January 2013. I had DCIS breast cancer. I chose to have breast reconstruction just last year. So far so good.
I was so sick and had a terrible cough when I went to Urgent Care and the doctor ordered chest xrays. He found spots on my lungs - not pneumonia. The spots were cancer. Further tests were ordered. The CT scan and MRI showed a nodule in my left lung and two in my right lung. They were inoperable so I started chemo right away. Next came radiation. I got so sick from both. And I became bald twice!!!
Sorry to be so long with this. I just don't want you to feel so lonely. Do you have children or other family to be with you? Here is my email address kate93105@msn.com
Please feel free to write me any time. I would love to help in any way I can! My best regards and God bless you.
Hi Kathy,
You've been through so much over 4 years. I feel for you and hope you can and will survive all this.
I do have good family support. I'm only up to my 3 round of Chemo. I haven't done Radiation yet. I have an autoimmune disease on top of my cancer. On Monday I have an appt with an autoimmune disease doctor. We'll see what can be done wit what I have. It's the weirdest thing. I feel as though my siliva is poison. When I eat, whatever it is, as soon as I put it in my mouth it burns. It happens with the first thing, it will burn, but as soon as it hits my tongue it hurts and burns. After that first burn then I can eat that particular thing. The burning radiates into my head, nose and eyes. It's very uncomfortable to say the least. It also happens when I swallow my own siliva. That's part of the autoimmune disease that I have.
I'm 67 years old and just don't understand how I went from a healthy specimen to a very sick person. It took approx. 6 months to get there.

Dear Edydede,
So sorry to hear about your autoimmune disease. What is it called? Has the burning and pain stopped yet? Are you improving as far as your cancer is concerned? I am curious to know because my two sons also have autoimmune disease brought on by chronic psoriatic arthritis. They both also have severe fibromyalgia. Thank the good Lord they do not have any cancer!!
We are just a few years apart in age. My health went to hell about 4+ years ago. No history in my family of cancer except my mom who had a partial mastectomy and removal of some suspicious lymph nodes years ago.
I had to block my pain and fear in order to help me get well again. I have many doctors working with me to improve my health. All are so good and help me immensely. My team at the Cancer Center, from the doctors to the receptionists, give me a boost whenever I see them. Hugs are waiting for me when I get there every three weeks for my infusion of Keytruda. I truly am blessed!!
I hope you are feeling better. Please write and let me know how you are doing. I tend to lose some of the notices that I have replies here. If you would like, you can reach me at kate93105@msn.com and I will get back to you much sooner.
Have a wonderful day, think positively, feel blessed, and pray often.
Love and Hugs,
Hi Kate,
I'll find out more next Monday, as to the name and type of autoimmune disease I have on top of small cell cancer.
I used to be very healthy and happy and now I've become a real actress. I don't want to scare my husband or son, but I'm really starting to get worried that I won't get well, because of so much happening to me all at once and how I'm feeling.
I'll try to keep in touch. This site is a little bit difficult to follow.
I hope you will be well!

Good Morning Edydede,
Just read your comment. I too used to be healthy and happy. Still am a happy person in spite of having survived a double mastectomy and now fighting small cell lung cancer, COPD, emphasyma, fibromyalgia, and now having much pain due to a compression fracture of my spine. My plate is full!!
I believe that most cancer patients are worried that they won't get well. Your worry is understandable and genuine. Is there a therapist/counselor at your cancer center? Check into that. It is usually free of charge. How is your appetite? Your cancer center should have a nutritionist. Contact him or her for a consult. Nutrition is very important for recovery. Protein must be in your daily diet. I feel you are getting or are depressed. I have a psychiatrist I see every few months. I take medication for depression and anxiety.
Please don't worry!!! You are in good hands I'm sure. Let your husband and son in on your fears. How old is your son? I'm sure they will understand your concerns and even want to help. They may even be relieved you came to them.
Stay strong in your faith and pray. God is with you in every way!!
Facebook is Kathie Ann Solus. Contact me through messenger.

Good morning. As Kate said, your concerns are real - you are dealing with so many things at once, and you are tired of the battle, I am sure. Please consider getting support (again as Kate suggested), it could make a world of difference for you.
Whether strong or not, you are you - the only you - and we love hearing from you. Please remember what a gift you are to so many, know that people sincerely care, and that hope still abounds. One day at a time, right? We never know what tomorrow holds.
I will pray that Monday brings answers, peace and solutions.
Healing hugs, Peggy