Hi everyone I have stage 4 COPD with the Non-Small Cell Cancer . I'm 64 and enjoying my life. Getting ready for Radiation treatments soon .
COPD with Cancer: Hi everyone I have... - Lung Cancer Support
COPD with Cancer

Hi Zoolog_64 . I'm 75 and have the same stage 4 NSCC cancer & COPD , have not started any treatment yet , hope to some , if not , only have about 6 months . Trying to live the best I can .
Zoolog_64 Can you give me some of that energy. My name is Jo I had stage3 in lyhmpnodes. I didn't do radiation,I did six months of chemo. I am starting into my fourth year cancer free. Tell me about your cancer oh and I have emphysema sorry please tell me about yourself and your journey so far. Jo Taylor

Hi JoTaylor. Jesus gives me my energy. My cancer is the Non-small cell. One on my middle left lung in back area is a 24. I have one in front left upper by heart it's at a 9 and one down left lung close to my diaphragm is showing 7.9 besides more small nodules just popping up since Pet scan on 2/15. Out of all 1 is showing up cancer so far. Won't know about those others for awhile. I have 2 nodules on right lung in which right upper is an 8. So I'm doing GREAT. I have so much to do beside letting this cancer kill me. I won't do chemo cause to me it don't do nothing but KILL you and spread the cancer cells more. I watched Chemo Kill my Mom at 52 yrs. old.
My COPD is at stage 4 and doc tells me they are gone BUT I'm still breathing, walking and enjoying everyday life even thou I'm on oxygen 24/7
cancompany Hi I didn't mean to but in but after I sent one to zoolog_64 and seen what you wrote. Isn't there anything they can do. If you would like to talk i'm here to listen. Jo Taylor

Today is 2/24/17 Had # 2 PET scan today , have had MRI , CT scans . Monday I go for my first Chemo . Can't have a operation on lungs , would not live through it , lungs are to bad . Wish me good luck , I need all the luck I can get.
Hello cancompany. Praying for you. I'm getting ready for my 2hr. simulation tomorrow 2/27. Then I'll know when I go in for my radiation. I'm at stage 4 with my COPD and my lungs are shot also with Non-Small cell cancer. I believe in GOD with my whole heart to pull me threw all of this. We have to fight and stand strong with God to help us to over come it all. My left lung has 3 besides more little nodules starting as what Pet scan showed on 2/15. Don't let a doctor give you a time limit on your life cause GOD can and will heal you if only you have Faith.
Zoolog_64 Hi I'm Six1 I'm 49 with copd with sarcadois diagnosis in 2014 stage4 haven't had to have no radiaton or chemo THANK God! I'm on ,24 hour oxygen and 20mg Prednisone a day They trying me on this new inhaler twice a day it's called Serevent Diskus along with Spirits inhaler once a day and I eat a handful of Papaya like this lady told me and leave it in God's hands☺
Hi Six1 : Doc. has me on Stiolto-Respimat. I do 2 puffs back to back once a day. I've been threw all disc. I take 2 Astragalus 500mg herbal pills a day. This has helped build my immune system up from the inside not the outside like most of them. I haven't had a cold or flu since 2012. I can't do flu shots makes me deadly sick so No more for me. I have studied on so much since 1977 on everything . Always wanted to be a doctor just no $$$$ to help.
Zoolog_64 Thanks for the info what are those herbal pills so I can ask my doc about it Thanks Again😀
accompany Sorry to here about your lungs I have emphysema they won't operate on me again unless it's a emergency. They consider me high risk. good luck.

My Dad had emphysema. He received a Black lung during the war. He had 1/2 of his removed way back when I was 4 yrs. old. He was a bad chain smoker. I smoked but not that bad I worked in so many factories besides I'm a spray painter by trade. If I knew what I know today I would of changed my work habits for a better life. You said they Operated on you already Jo Taylor . What did they do ??
Zoolog I had the upper lobe of my left lung removed,in oct it will be four years and than one more year I will reach my fifth year cancer free.I had six months chemo. The cancer is gone. Jo

Amen and Praise God for your Cancer free ! My Step Mom had both breast removed cause of cancer. What is good to eat while having cancer do you know ? I eat everything but still I'm loosing weight. I can't drink them Enlive Protein shakes cause of my phlegm it gets really thick. I LOVE Milk and just a yr. ago this all started so I drink water and hemp oil tea 25mgs,, and that gets really tired drinking it daily. I drink some juice but to much acid is bad for you. I'm a BIG mess .. lol
Im a little over 3 years. I feel everyday is a miracle! You hear so much bad, its always great to hear good. Congrats!